Other commands

A table of other commands, showing the command description, and its PCF command, MQSC command, and control command equivalents. The REST API resource and HTTP method equivalents, and IBM MQ Explorer equivalents, are included if available.

Description PCF command MQSC command Control command REST API resource and HTTP method IBM MQ Explorer equivalent?
Create conversion exit No equivalent No equivalent crtmqcvx   No
Display files used by objects No equivalent No equivalent dspmqfls   No
Display formatted trace No equivalent No equivalent dspmqtrc 1   No
Display version information No equivalent No equivalent dspmqver   No
Display transactions No equivalent No equivalent dspmqtrn   No
Dump log No equivalent No equivalent dmpmqlog   No
Dump MQ Configuration No equivalent No equivalent dmpmqcfg   No
End trace No equivalent No equivalent endmqtrc   Yes
Escape Escape No equivalent No equivalent POST /admin/action/qmgr/{qmgrName}/mqsc No
Record media image No equivalent No equivalent rcdmqimg   No
Re-create media object No equivalent No equivalent rcrmqobj   No
Resolve transactions No equivalent No equivalent rsvmqtrn   No
Run client trigger monitor No equivalent No equivalent runmqtmc   No
Run dead-letter queue handler No equivalent No equivalent runmqdlq   No
Run MQSC commands No equivalent No equivalent runmqsc   No
Run trigger monitor No equivalent No equivalent runmqtrm   No
Set service connection points No equivalent No equivalent setmqscp 2   No
Start IBM MQ trace No equivalent No equivalent strmqtrc   Yes
IBM MQ Services control No equivalent No equivalent amqmdain 2   No
  1. Not supported on IBM MQ for Windows.
  2. Supported by IBM MQ for Windows only.

Parent topic: Command sets comparison