dspmqfls (display file names)
Display the file names corresponding to IBM MQ objects.
Use the dspmqfls command to display the real file system name for all IBM MQ objects that match a specified criterion. We can use this command to identify the files associated with a particular object. This command is useful for backing up specific objects. See Understand IBM MQ file names for information about name transformation.

Required parameters
- GenericObjName
- The name of the object. The name is a string with no flag and is a required parameter. Omitting
the name returns an error.
This parameter supports an asterisk (*) as a wildcard at the end of the string.
Optional parameters
- -m QMgrName
- The name of the queue manager for which to examine files. If we omit this name, the command operates on the default queue manager.
- -t ObjType
- The object type. The following list shows the valid object types. The abbreviated name is shown first followed by the full name.
Object Type Description * or all All object types; this parameter is the default authinfo Authentication information object, for use with TLS channel security channel or chl A channel clntconn or clcn A client connection channel catalog or ctlg An object catalog namelist or nl A namelist listener or lstr A listener process or prcs A process queue or q A queue or queues matching the object name parameter qalias or qa An alias queue qlocal or ql A local queue qmodel or qm A model queue qremote or qr A remote queue qmgr A queue manager object service or srvc A service
- The dspmqfls command displays the name of the directory containing the queue, not the name of the queue itself.
- On UNIX, we must prevent the shell from interpreting the meaning of special characters, for example, an asterisk (*). The way you do this depends on the shell we are using. It may involve the use of single quotation marks, double quotation marks, or a backslash.
Return codes
Return code | Description |
0 | Command completed normally |
10 | Command completed but not entirely as expected |
20 | An error occurred during processing |
- The following command displays the details of all objects with names beginning SYSTEM.ADMIN defined on the default queue manager.
dspmqfls SYSTEM.ADMIN*
- The following command displays file details for all processes with names beginning PROC defined on queue manager RADIUS.
dspmqfls -m RADIUS -t prcs PROC*