Authority to use MFT commands

Your user ID must be a member of the mqm group if we want to issue Managed File Transfer commands, unless you have already configured IBM MQ to allow users who are not in the mqm group to issue commands.

For more information about defining an alternative group to mqm on z/OS, see Issuing commands to IBM MQ for z/OS

For more information about authorization, see Authority to administer IBM MQ. If we are using IBM i, start with the following topic: IBM MQ authorities.

A subset of the Managed File Transfer commands can be issued using the IBM MQ Explorer.

Issuing commands from Windows and UNIX systems

Note the following environment-specific information for issuing commands:

    Managed File Transfer for Windows
    All commands can be issued from a command line. Command names are not case-sensitive: We can enter them in uppercase, lowercase, or a combination of uppercase and lowercase. However, arguments to control commands (such as queue names) and parameters (such as -m for queue manager name) are case-sensitive.

    In the syntax descriptions, the hyphen (-) is used as a flag indicator.

    Managed File Transfer for UNIX systems
    All Managed File Transfer commands can be issued from a shell. All commands are case-sensitive.

Issuing commands from z/OS systems

From IBM MQ for z/OS Version 9.2, Managed File Transfer is installed in to the mqft directory of the IBM MQ for z/OS UNIX System Services Components; for example: /mqm/V9R2M0/mqft.

The Managed File Transfer commands are in the bin directory underneath the mqft directory; for example: /mqm/V9R2M0/mqft/bin.Important: This is different from earlier releases, where the bin and mqft directories were peers of each other. The commands can be run from either of the following options:

  • Directly from the USS environment by specifying the path to the command or including the bin subdirectory in the user command path.

  • From a PDSE data set of commands configured from the PDSE command template library, for a particular agent or logger. For more information, see Create an MFT Agent or Logger command data set.

Issuing commands from the IBM i platform

Note the following environment-specific information for issuing commands on IBM i:

  • We can start Managed File Transfer commands using the Qshell interpreter. To start the Qshell interpreter, issue the STRQSH command from an IBM i system command line.
  • When you run commands in the Qshell environment, command names are not case-sensitive: We can enter them in uppercase, lowercase, or a combination of uppercase and lowercase. However, arguments to control commands (such as queue names) and parameters (such as -m for queue manager name) are case-sensitive.

Parent topic: MFT commands

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