Additional MFT agent configuration files

In addition to the file, the Managed File Transfer agent can have a number of XML configuration files in its configuration directory.

Configuration files

The following XML configuration files can be used to specify additional information used by the agent:

    If your agent is a protocol bridge agent, we can use this file to specify the credentials to use to log in to the FTP or SFTP server that the agent connects to.

    If your agent is a protocol bridge agent, we can use this file to define the properties of non-default protocol file servers that the agent connects to. The fteCreateBridgeAgent command creates a default protocol file server in this file for you.

    If your agent is a Connect:Direct bridge agent, we can use this file to specify the credentials to use to connect to the Connect:Direct nodes involved in a transfer.

    If your agent is a Connect:Direct bridge agent, we can use this file to specify the operating system information about the Connect:Direct nodes involved in a transfer.

    If your agent is a Connect:Direct bridge agent, we can use this file to specify the user-defined Connect:Direct processes to call as part of a file transfer.

    We can use this file to specify which areas of the file system the agent can read from or write to.

Updating the configuration files

Unlike the file, we can update the XML configuration files and have the agent pick up the changes without having to restart the agent.

When you submit a transfer, if it has been more than 10 second since the last time the agent checked the XML configuration file, the agent checks the last modified time of the XML configuration file. If the XML configuration file has been modified since the last time the agent read the file, the agent reads the file again. If the contents of the file are valid when compared to the XML schema, the agent updates its information. If the contents of the file are not valid, the agent uses the information from the previous version of the file and writes a message to the outpu0.log file.

Parent topic: XML message formats used by MFT

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