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Use IBM MQ events

IBM MQ instrumentation events provide information about errors, warnings, and other significant occurrences in a queue manager. We can monitor the operation of all your queue managers by incorporating these events into your own system management application.

IBM MQ instrumentation events fall into the following categories:

    Queue manager events
    These events are related to the definitions of resources within queue managers. For example, an application attempts to put a message to a queue that does not exist.

    Performance events
    These events are notifications that a threshold condition has been reached by a resource. For example, a queue depth limit has been reached, or the queue was not serviced within a predefined time limit.

    Channel events
    These events are reported by channels as a result of conditions detected during their operation. For example, a channel instance is stopped.

    Configuration events
    These events are notifications that an object has been created, changed, or deleted.

When an event occurs, the queue manager puts an event message on the appropriate event queue, if defined. The event message contains information about the event that can be retrieved by a suitable IBM MQ application.

IBM MQ events can be enabled using the IBM MQ commands or the operations and control panels.

See Event types for information about the IBM MQ events that generate messages, and for information about the format of these messages. See Event message reference for information about enabling the events.

Parent topic: Introduction to monitoring IBM MQ for z/OS

Last updated: 2020-10-04