Application has started the MQCALLBACK function
- ObjectHandle
Description: The object handle PCF Parameter: MQIACF_HOBJ Trace level: 1 Type MQCFIN
- CallType
Description: Why function has been called. One of the MQCBCT_* values PCF Parameter: MQIACF_CALL_TYPE Trace level: 1 Type MQCFIN
- MsgBuffer
Description: Message data. PCF Parameter: MQBACF_MESSAGE_DATA Trace level: 1 Type MQCFBS Length: Length is governed by the TRACEDATA() parameter set in the APPTRACE configuration. If TRACEDATA=NONE then this parameter is omitted.
- MsgLength
Description: Length of the message. (Taken from the DataLength field in the MQCBC structure). PCF Parameter: MQIACF_MSG_LENGTH Trace level: 1 Type MQCFIN
- HighResTime
Description: Time of operation in microseconds since midnight, January 1st 1970 (UTC) Note: The accuracy of this timer varies according to platform support for high a resolution timer PCF Parameter: MQIAMO64_HIGHRES_TIME Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN64
- ReportOptions
Description: Options for report messages PCF Parameter: MQIACF_REPORT Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN
- MsgType
Description: Type of message PCF Parameter: MQIACF_MSG_TYPE Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN
- Expiry
Description: Message lifetime PCF Parameter: MQIACF_EXPIRY Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN
- Format
Description: Format name of message data PCF Parameter: MQCACH_FORMAT_NAME Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST Length: MQ_FORMAT_LENGTH
- Priority
Description: Message priority PCF Parameter: MQIACF_PRIORITY Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN
- Persistence
Description: Message persistence PCF Parameter: MQIACF_PERSISTENCE Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN
- MsgId
Description: Message identifier PCF Parameter: MQBACF_MSG_ID Trace level: 2 Type MQCFBS Length: MQ_MSG_ID_LENGTH
- CorrelId
Description: Correlation identifier PCF Parameter: MQBACF_CORREL_ID Trace level: 2 Type MQCFBS Length: MQ_CORREL_ID_LENGTH
- ObjectName
Description: The name of the opened object. PCF Parameter: MQCACF_OBJECT_NAME Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST Length: MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH
- ResolvedQName
Description: The local name of the queue from which the message was retrieved. PCF Parameter: MQCACF_RESOLVED_Q_NAME Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST Length: MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH
- ReplyToQueue
Description: MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH PCF Parameter: MQCACF_REPLY_TO_Q Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST
- ReplyToQMgr
Description: MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH PCF Parameter: MQCACF_REPLY_TO_Q_MGR Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST
- CodedCharSetId
Description: Character set identifier of message data PCF Parameter: MQIA_CODED_CHAR_SET_ID Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN
- Encoding
Description: Numeric encoding of message data. PCF Parameter: MQIACF_ENCODING Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN
- PutDate
Description: MQ_PUT_DATE_LENGTH PCF Parameter: MQCACF_PUT_DATE Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST
- PutTime
Description: MQ_PUT_TIME_LENGTH PCF Parameter: MQCACF_PUT_TIME Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST
- ResolvedQName
Description: The queue name referred to by the ObjectHandle, when ResolvedType is MQOT_Q. PCF Parameter: MQCACF_RESOLVED_LOCAL _Q_NAME Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST Length: MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH.
- ResObjectString
Description: The object name referred to by the ObjectHandle, when ResolvedType is MQOT_TOPIC. PCF Parameter: MQCACF_RESOLVED_OBJECT_STRING Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST Length: Length varies.
- ResolvedType
Description: The type of the object referred to by the ObjectHandle. Possible values are MQOT_Q, MQOT_TOPIC, or MQOT_NONE. PCF Parameter: MQIACF_RESOLVED_TYPE Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN
- PolicyName
Description: The policy name that was applied to this message. Note: AMS protected messages only PCF Parameter: MQCA_POLICY_NAME Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST Length: MQ_OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH
- XmitqMsgId
Description: The message ID of the message in the transmission queue header. Note: Only when Format is MQFMT_XMIT_Q_HEADER PCF Parameter: MQBACF_XQH_MSG_ID Trace level: 2 Type MQCFBS Length: MQ_MSG_ID_LENGTH
- XmitqCorrelId
Description: The correlation ID of the message in the transmission queue header. Note: Only when Format is MQFMT_XMIT_Q_HEADER PCF Parameter: MQBACF_XQH_CORREL_ID Trace level: 2 Type MQCFBS Length: MQ_CORREL_ID_LENGTH
- XmitqPutTime
Description: The put time of the message in the transmission queue header. Note: Only when Format is MQFMT_XMIT_Q_HEADER PCF Parameter: MQCACF_XQH_PUT_TIME Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST Length: MQ_PUT_TIME_LENGTH
- XmitqPutDate
Description: The put date of the message in the transmission queue header. Note: Only when Format is MQFMT_XMIT_Q_HEADER PCF Parameter: MQCACF_XQH_PUT_DATE Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST Length: MQ_PUT_DATE_LENGTH
- XmitqRemoteQName
Description: The remote queue destination of the message in the transmission queue header. Note: Only when Format is MQFMT_XMIT_Q_HEADER PCF Parameter: MQCACF_XQH_REMOTE_Q_Name Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST Length: MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH
- XmitqRemoteQMgr
Description: The message ID of the message in the transmission queue header. Note: Only when Format is MQFMT_XMIT_Q_HEADER PCF Parameter: MQCACF_XQH_REMOTE_Q_MGR Trace level: 2 Type MQCFST Length: MQ_MSG_ID_LENGTH
- MsgDescStructure
Description: The MQMD structure. This parameter is omitted if a version 4 MQGMO was used to request that a Message Handle be returned instead of an MQMD PCF Parameter: MQBACF_MQMD_STRUCT Trace level: 3 Type MQCFBS Length: The length in bytes of the MQMD structure (actual size is dependent on structure version)
- GetMsgOptsStructure
Description: The MQGMO structure. PCF Parameter: MQBACF_MQGMO_STRUCT Trace level: 3 Type MQCFBS Length: The length in bytes of the MQGMO structure (actual size is dependent on structure version)
- MQCBContextStructure
Description: The MQCBC structure. PCF Parameter: MQBACF_MQCBC_STRUCT Trace level: 3 Type MQCFBS Length: The length in bytes of the MQCBC structure (actual size is dependent on structure version)
- QMgrOpDuration
Description: Approximate API call duration, in microseconds, within the queue manager. The duration does not include the time spent outside of the queue manager. For example, the time taken as an IBM MQ client. Note: The accuracy of this timer varies according to the platform that your enterprise uses. PCF Parameter: MQIAMO64_QMGR_OP_DURATION Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN64
Parent topic: Variable parameters for application activity MQI operations