MQGMO - Get-message options

The following table summarizes the fields in the structure.

Field Description Topic
StrucId Structure identifier StrucId
Version Structure version number Version
Options Options that control the action of MQGET MQGMO - Options field
WaitInterval Wait interval WaitInterval
Signal1 Signal Signal1
Signal2 Signal identifier Signal2
ResolvedQName Resolved name of destination queue ResolvedQName
Note: The remaining fields are ignored if Version is less than MQGMO_VERSION_2.
MatchOptions Options controlling selection criteria used for MQGET MatchOptions
GroupStatus Flag indicating whether message retrieved is in a group GroupStatus
SegmentStatus Flag indicating whether message retrieved is a segment of a logical message SegmentStatus
Segmentation Flag indicating whether further segmentation is allowed for the message retrieved Segmentation
Reserved1 Reserved Reserved1
Note: The remaining fields are ignored if Version is less than MQGMO_VERSION_3.
MsgToken Message token MsgToken
ReturnedLength Length of message data returned (bytes) ReturnedLength
Note: The remaining fields are ignored if Version is less than MQGMO_VERSION_4.
Reserved2 Reserved Reserved2
MsgHandle The handle to a message that is to be populated with the properties of the message being retrieved from the queue. MsgHandle

Parent topic: Data types used in the MQI