MQI statistics message data
Use this page to view the structure of an MQI statistics message
Message name: MQI statistics message. Platforms: All, except IBM MQ for z/OS . System queue: SYSTEM.ADMIN.STATISTICS.QUEUE.
- QueueManager
Description: Name of the queue manager. Identifier: MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME. Data type: MQCFST. Maximum length: MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH. Returned: Always.
- IntervalStartDate
Description: The date at the start of the monitoring period. Identifier: MQCAMO_START_DATE. Data type: MQCFST. Maximum length: MQ_DATE_LENGTH Returned: Always.
- IntervalStartTime
Description: The time at the start of the monitoring period. Identifier: MQCAMO_START_TIME. Data type: MQCFST. Maximum length: MQ_TIME_LENGTH Returned: Always.
- IntervalEndDate
Description: The date at the end of the monitoring period. Identifier: MQCAMO_END_DATE. Data type: MQCFST. Maximum length: MQ_DATE_LENGTH Returned: Always.
- IntervalEndTime
Description: The time at the end of the monitoring period. Identifier: MQCAMO_END_TIME. Data type: MQCFST. Maximum length: MQ_TIME_LENGTH Returned: Always.
- CommandLevel
Description: The queue manager command level. Identifier: MQIA_COMMAND_LEVEL. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: Always.
- ConnCount
Description: The number of successful connections to the queue manager. Identifier: MQIAMO_CONNS. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- ConnFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful connection attempts. Identifier: MQIAMO_CONNS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- ConnsMax
Description: The maximum number of concurrent connections in the recording interval. Identifier: MQIAMO_CONNS_MAX. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- DiscCount
Description: The number of disconnects from the queue manager. This is an integer array, indexed by the following constants:
Identifier: MQIAMO_DISCS. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- OpenCount
Description: The number of objects successfully opened, either by directly issuing a call to MQOPEN or by using the MQPUT1 verb. This parameter is an integer list indexed by object type, see Reference note 1. Identifier: MQIAMO_OPENS. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- OpenFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful open object attempts. This parameter is an integer list indexed by object type, see Reference note 1. Identifier: MQIAMO_OPENS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- CloseCount
Description: The number of objects successfully closed. This parameter is an integer list indexed by object type, see Reference note 1. Identifier: MQIAMO_CLOSES. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- CloseFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful close object attempts. This parameter is an integer list indexed by object type, see Reference note 1. Identifier: MQIAMO_CLOSES_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- InqCount
Description: The number of objects successfully inquired upon. This parameter is an integer list indexed by object type, see Reference note 1. Identifier: MQIAMO_INQS. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- InqFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful object inquire attempts. This parameter is an integer list indexed by object type, see Reference note 1. Identifier: MQIAMO_INQS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- SetCount
Description: The number of objects successfully updated (SET). This parameter is an integer list indexed by object type, see Reference note 1. Identifier: MQIAMO_SETS. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- SetFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful SET attempts. This parameter is an integer list indexed by object type, see Reference note 1. Identifier: MQIAMO_SETS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- PutCount
Description: The number of persistent and nonpersistent messages successfully put to a queue, with the exception of MQPUT1 requests. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2. Identifier: MQIAMO_PUTS. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- PutFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful put message attempts. Identifier: MQIAMO_PUTS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- Put1Count
Description: The number of persistent and nonpersistent messages successfully put to a queue using MQPUT1 requests. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2 Identifier: MQIAMO_PUT1S. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- Put1FailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful attempts to put a persistent and nonpersistent message to a queue using MQPUT1 requests. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2 Identifier: MQIAMO_PUT1S_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- PutBytes
Description: The number bytes for persistent and nonpersistent messages written in using put requests. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2 Identifier: MQIAMO64_PUT_BYTES. Data type: MQCFIL64. Returned: When available.
- GetCount
Description: The number of successful destructive get requests for persistent and nonpersistent messages. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2 Identifier: MQIAMO_GETS. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- GetFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful destructive get requests. Identifier: MQIAMO_GETS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- GetBytes
Description: The number of bytes read in destructive gets requests for persistent and nonpersistent messages. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2 Identifier: MQIAMO64_GET_BYTES. Data type: MQCFIL64. Returned: When available.
- BrowseCount
Description: The number of successful non-destructive get requests for persistent and nonpersistent messages. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2 Identifier: MQIAMO_BROWSES. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- BrowseFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful non-destructive get requests. Identifier: MQIAMO_BROWSES_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- BrowseBytes
Description: The number of bytes read in non-destructive get requests for persistent and nonpersistent messages. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2 Identifier: MQIAMO64_BROWSE_BYTES. Data type: MQCFIL64. Returned: When available.
- CommitCount
Description: The number of transactions successfully completed. This number includes transactions committed implicitly by the application disconnecting, and commit requests where there is no outstanding work. Identifier: MQIAMO_COMMITS. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- CommitFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful attempts to complete a transaction. Identifier: MQIAMO_COMMITS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- BackCount
Description: The number of backouts processed, including implicit backout upon abnormal disconnect. Identifier: MQIAMO_BACKOUTS. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- ExpiredMsgCount
Description: The number of persistent and nonpersistent messages that were discarded because they had expired, before they could be retrieved. Identifier: MQIAMO_MSGS_EXPIRED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- PurgeCount
Description: The number of times the queue has been cleared. Identifier: MQIAMO_MSGS_PURGED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- SubCountDur
Description: The number of successful Subscribe requests which created, altered or resumed durable subscriptions. This is an array of values indexed by the type of operation 0 = The number of subscriptions created
1 = The number of subscriptions altered
2 = The number of subscriptions resumed
Identifier: MQIAMO_SUBS_DUR. Data type: MQCFIL Returned: When available.
- SubCountNDur
Description: The number of successful Subscribe requests which created, altered or resumed non-durable subscriptions. This is an array of values indexed by the type of operation 0 = The number of subscriptions created
1 = The number of subscriptions altered
2 = The number of subscriptions resumed
Identifier: MQIAMO_SUBS_NDUR. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- SubFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful Subscribe requests. Identifier: MQIAMO_SUBS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- UnsubCountDur
Description: The number of successful unsubscribe requests for durable subscriptions. This is an array of values indexed by the type of operation 0 - The subscription was closed but not removed
1 - The subscription was closed and removed
Identifier: MQIAMO_UNSUBS_DUR. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- UnsubCountNDur
Description: The number of succesful unsubscribe requests for non-durable subscriptions. This is an array of values indexed by the type of operation 0 - The subscription was closed but not removed
1 - The subscription was closed and removed
Identifier: MQIAMO_UNSUBS_NDUR. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- UnsubFailCount
Description: The number of failed unsubscribe requests. Identifier: MQIAMO_UNSUBS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- SubRqCount
Description: The number of successful MQSUBRQ requests. Identifier: MQIAMO_SUBRQS Data type: MQCFIN Returned: When available.
- SubRqFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful MQSUBRQ requests. Identifier: MQIAMO_SUBRQS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- CBCount
Description: The number of successful MQCB requests. This is an array of values indexed by the type of operation 0 - A callback was created or altered
1 - A callback was removed
2 - A callback was resumed
3 - A callback was suspended
Identifier: MQIAMO_CBS. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- CBFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful MQCB requests. Identifier: MQIAMO_CBS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- CtlCount
Description: The number of successful MQCTL requests. This is an array of values indexed by the type of operation: 0 - The connection was started
1 - The connection was stopped
2 - The connection was resumed
3 - The connection was suspended
Identifier: MQIAMO_CTLS. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- CtlFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful MQCTL requests. Identifier: MQIAMO_CTLS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- StatCount
Description: The number of successful MQSTAT requests. Identifier: MQIAMO_STATS. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- StatFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful MQSTAT requests. Identifier: MQIAMO_STATS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- SubCountDurHighWater
Description: The high-water mark on the number of durable subscriptions during the time interval. This is an array of values indexed by SUBTYPE 0 - The high-water mark for all durable subscriptions in the system
1 - The high-water mark for durable application subscriptions (MQSUBTYPE_API)
2 - The high-water mark for durable admin subscription (MQSUBTYPE_ADMIN)
3 - The high-water mark for durable proxy subscriptions (MQSUBTYPE_PROXY)
Identifier: MQIAMO_SUB_DUR_HIGHWATER Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- SubCountDurLowWater
Description: The low-water mark on the number of durable subscriptions during the time interval. This is an array of values indexed by SUBTYPE. 0 - The low-water mark for all durable subscriptions in the system
1 - The low-water mark for durable application subscriptions (MQSUBTYPE_API)
2 - The low-water mark for durable admin subscriptions (MQSUBTYPE_ADMIN)
3 - The low-water mark for durable proxy subscriptions (MQSUBTYPE_PROXY)
Identifier: MQIAMO_SUB_DUR_LOWWATER Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- SubCountNDurHighWater
Description: The high-water mark on the number of non-durable subscriptions during the time interval. This is an array of values indexed by SUBTYPE 0 - The high-water mark for all non-durable subscriptions in the system
1 - The high-water mark for non-durable application subscriptions (MQSUBTYPE_API)
2 - The high-water mark for non-durable admin subscription (MQSUBTYPE_ADMIN)
3 - The high-water mark for non-durable proxy subscriptions (MQSUBTYPE_PROXY)
Identifier: MQIAMO_SUB_NDUR_HIGHWATER Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- SubCountNDurLowWater
Description: The low-water mark on the number of non-durable subscriptions during the time interval. This is an array of values indexed by SUBTYPE. 0 - The low-water mark for all non-durable subscriptions in the system
1 - The low-water mark for non-durable application subscriptions (MQSUBTYPE_API)
2 - The low-water mark for non-durable admin subscriptions (MQSUBTYPE_ADMIN)
3 - The low-water mark for non-durable proxy subscriptions (MQSUBTYPE_PROXY)
Identifier: MQIAMO_SUB_NDUR_LOWWATER Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- PutTopicCount
Description: The number persistent and nonpersistent messages successfully put to a topic, with the exception of messages put using the MQPUT1 call. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2. Note: Messages put using a queue alias which resolve to a topic are included in this value.
Identifier: MQIAMO_TOPIC_PUTS. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- PutTopicFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful attempts to put a message to a topic. Identifier: MQIAMO_TOPIC_PUTS_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- Put1TopicCount
Description: The number of persistent and nonpersistent messages successfully put to a topic using MQPUT1 calls. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2. Note: Messages put using a queue alias which resolve to a topic are included in this value.
Identifier: MQIAMO_TOPIC_PUT1S. Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- Put1TopicFailCount
Description: The number of unsuccessful attempts to put a message to a topic using MQPUT1 calls. Identifier: MQIAMO_TOPIC_PUT1S_FAILED. Data type: MQCFIN. Returned: When available.
- PutTopicBytes
Description: The number bytes written using put calls for persistent and nonpersistent messages which resolve to a publish operation. This is number of bytes put by the application and not the resultant number of bytes delivered to subscribers, see PublishMsgBytes for this value. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2. Identifier: MQIAMO64_TOPIC_PUT_BYTES. Data type: MQCFIL64. Returned: When available.
- PublishMsgCount
Description: The number of messages delivered to subscriptions in the time interval. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2. Identifier: MQIAMO64_PUBLISH_MSG_COUNT Data type: MQCFIL. Returned: When available.
- PublishMsgBytes
Description: The number of bytes delivered to subscriptions in the time interval. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2. Identifier: MQIAMO64_PUBLISH_MSG_BYTES Data type: MQCFIL64. Returned: When available.
Parent topic: Accounting and statistics message reference