Application has started the MQSUBRQ MQI function
- CompCode
Description: The completion code indicating the result of the operation PCF Parameter: MQIACF_COMP_CODE Trace level: 1 Type: MQCFIN - Reason
Description: The reason code result of the operation PCF Parameter: MQIACF_REASON_CODE Trace level: 1 Type: MQCFIN - SubHandle
Description: The subscription handle PCF Parameter: MQIACF_HSUB Trace level: 1 Type: MQCFIN - SubOptions
Description: The sub options from MQSB.Options PCF Parameter: MQIACF_SUBRQ_OPTIONS Trace level: 2 Type: MQCFIN - Action
Description: The subscription request action (MQSR_*) PCF Parameter: MQIACF_SUBRQ_ACTION Trace level: 2 Type: MQCFIN - NumPubs
Description: The number of publications sent as a result of this call (from MQSB.NumPubs) PCF Parameter: MQIACF_NUM_PUBS Trace level: 2 Type: MQCFIN - QMgrOpDuration
Description: Approximate API call duration, in microseconds, within the queue manager. The duration does not include the time spent outside of the queue manager. For example, the time taken as an IBM MQ client. Note: The accuracy of this timer varies according to the platform that your enterprise uses. PCF Parameter: MQIAMO64_QMGR_OP_DURATION Trace level: 2 Type MQCFIN64
Parent topic: Variable parameters for application activity MQI operations