Installing IBM MQ for z/OS
Installation tasks that are associated with installing IBM MQ on z/OS systems are grouped in this section.
About this task
IBM MQ for z/OS uses the standard z/OS installation procedure. It is supplied with a Program Directory that contains specific instructions for installing the program on a z/OS system. We must follow the instructions in the appropriate Program Directory. Program Directories can be downloaded from the IBM Publications Center (see IBM MQ for z/OS Program Directory PDF files).
The Program Directory includes not only details of the installation process, but also information about the prerequisite products and their service or maintenance levels.
SMP/E, used for installation on the z/OS platform, validates the service levels and prerequisite and corequisite products, and maintains the SMP/E history records to record the installation of IBM MQ for z/OS. It loads the IBM MQ for z/OS libraries and checks that the loads have been successful. You then have to customize the product to your own requirements.
Before you install and customize IBM MQ for z/OS, we must decide the following:
- Whether we are going to install one of the optional national language features. See National language support.
- Which communications protocol and distributed queuing facility we are going to use. See Communications protocol and distributed queuing.
- What your naming convention for IBM MQ objects will be. See Naming conventions.
- What command prefix string (CPF) we are going to use for each queue manager. See Use command prefix strings.
- When upgrading from a previous Continuous Delivery release through the installation of PTFs, decide whether any USERMODs that have been applied to IBM MQ for z/OS will still be required. Remove the USERMODs before installation of the Continuous Delivery PTFs, or use the SMP/E BYPASS(ID) option on APPLY. If neither of these actions is performed, an SMP/E MODID ERROR GIM38201E will be received.
The PTFs for the latest Continuous Delivery release can be determined by using SMP/E FIXCAT HOLDDATA category IBM.MQ.V9R0Mn, where n is the modification level. For example, category IBM.MQ.V9R0M2 identifies fixes that upgrade IBM MQ for z/OS Version 9.0 Continuous Delivery to modification level 2.
You also need to plan how much storage you require in your z/OS system to accommodate IBM MQ; Plan your storage and performance requirements on z/OS helps we plan the amount of storage required.
- z/OS installation overview
IBM MQ functions are provided as a number of different products, which are installed together to provide the capability required.- Check requirements on z/OS
Before you install IBM MQ on z/OS, we must check for the latest information and system requirements.- Plan to install IBM MQ for z/OS
To install the IBM MQ product your hardware, and software environment must meet minimum requirement levels. We must also consider the national language features, communications protocols, and naming conventions to be used.Delivery media
IBM MQ for z/OS is supplied by DVD or electronic media. See the relevant product announcement letter for complete information on product packaging.- Customizing IBM MQ and its adapters
IBM MQ requires some customization after installation to meet the individual and special requirements of our system, and to use the system resources in the most effective way.- Verify your installation of IBM MQ for z/OS
After the installation and customization has been completed, we can use the installation verification programs (IVPs) supplied with IBM MQ for z/OS to verify that the installation has been completed successfully.- Macros intended for customer use
The macros identified in this topic are provided as programming interfaces for customers in support of features that are specific to IBM MQ for z/OS.- Product usage recording with IBM MQ for z/OS products
z/OS can measure how much processing time is spent in doing work on behalf of the various processes that make up the IBM MQ product. This is known as product usage recording.- Installing and enabling IBM MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition
IBM MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition (VUE) provides all the function and capability of base IBM MQ for z/OS, in a format that offers a one-time-charge (OTC) price metricInstalling IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS
IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS is a bundling of the Advanced Message Security for z/OS and Managed File Transfer for z/OS features. Use of either of these features requires separate entitlement to run a queue manager through either IBM MQ for z/OS, IBM MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition (VUE), or IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS VUE.Installing IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS Value Unit Edition
IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS Value Unit Edition is a bundling of the Advanced Message Security for z/OS, Managed File Transfer for z/OS, and IBM MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition (VUE) products.Parent topic: Install and uninstall IBM MQ