Storage class properties
We can set properties for storage classes. Storage classes are available only on z/OS .
The following table lists the properties that we can set.
For each property, there is a brief description of when you might need to configure the property. The tables also give the equivalent MQSC parameter for the DEFINE, ALTER and DISPLAY STGCLASS commands. For more information about MQSC commands, see Administration using MQSC commands.
General page
The following table lists the properties that we can set on the General page of the Storage class properties dialog.
Parent topic: Properties
Property Meaning MQSC parameter Storage class name Read-only. We cannot change the name of the storage class after it has been created. STGCLASS Description Type a meaningful description of the purpose of the storage class. See Entering strings in MQ Explorer. DESCR PageSet ID This is the page set identifier that the storage class is associated with. Type a number, from 00 to 99, two characters long. If this property is blank, the value is taken from the default storage class, SYSTEMST. PSID QSG disposition Read-only. The queue sharing group disposition of the storage class. We cannot change the disposition of a storage class after it has been created. Queue manager means that the object definition is available only to the queue manager that hosts it; Group means that the object definition is stored on the shared repository and each queue manager in the queue sharing group has a copy of the definition; Copy means that the object definition is the queue manager's copy of a definition in the shared repository. QSGDISP XCF group name If we are using the IMS bridge, this is the name of the XCF group to which the IMS system belongs. Type a name from 1 to 8 characters long. The first character must be an uppercase letter from A to Z; subsequent characters must be uppercase letters from A to Z, numbers from 0 to 9, or both. XCFGNAME XCF member name If we are using the IMS bridge, this is the XCF member name of the IMS system within the XCF group that is specified in the XCF group name property. Type a name from 1 to 16 characters long. The first character must be an uppercase letter from A to Z; subsequent characters must be uppercase letters from A to Z, numbers from 0 to 9, or both. XCFMNAME Passticket appl name This is the application name that is passed to RACF when authenticating the passticket that is specified in the MQIIH header. If we do not specify a value, the validation process uses the z/OS Batch Job Profile Name, which means that RACF validates using a profile in the form of MVSxxxx, where xxxx is the SMFID of the z/OS system on which the queue manager is running. PASSTKTA Alteration date Read-only. This is the date on which the storage class's properties were last altered. ALTDATE Alteration time Read-only. This is the time at which the storage class's properties were last altered. ALTTIME
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