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Message properties

Message properties are displayed in the Message properties dialog. We cannot edit any of the message properties.

The following tables list the properties of IBM MQ messages that we can put and get from queues:

For each property, there is a brief description of meaning of the property. The tables also show the MQMD form of the name, as used in the API. This is described in Overview for MQMD.

General page

The following table lists the properties on the General page of the Message properties dialog.

Property Meaning MQMD form
Position Read-only. The current position in the queue of the message. (Not applicable.)
Message type Read-only. This is the type of the message: Datagram means that the message does not require a reply; Request means that the message requires a reply; Reply means that the message is a reply to an earlier request message; Report means that the message is reporting on some expected or unexpected occurrence, usually related to some other message. For example, a request message that contained data that was not valid. MsgType
Priority Read-only. This is the priority of the message. The lowest priority is 0. Priority
Persistence Read-only. This indicates whether the message is persistent or nonpersistent. If the message is persistent, it survives system failures and restarts of the queue manager. If the message is nonpersistent, it survives a restart only if it is present on a queue having the NPMCLASS(HIGH) property. However, even with the NPMCLASS(HIGH) property a message does not survive a QMGR class. Nonpersistent messages on queues having the NPMCLASS(NORMAL) property are discarded at queue manager restart, even if the message is found on the auxiliary storage during the restart procedure. Persistence
Put date/time Read-only. This is the date when the message was put. PutDate; PutTime
Expiry Read-only. This is the period of time, in tenths of a second, after which the message becomes eligible to be discarded if it has not already been removed from the target queue. The expiry interval is set by the application that put the message. Expiry
Reply-to queue Read-only. This is the name of the message queue to which the application that issued the get request for the message should send the reply and report messages. ReplyToQ
Reply-to queue manager Read-only. This is the name of the queue manager on which the reply-to queue is defined. ReplyToQmgr
Backout count Read-only. This is the number of times the message has previously been returned by the MQGET call as part of a unit of work, and subsequently backed out. BackoutCount

Report page

The following table lists the properties on the Report page of the Message properties dialog. A report is a message about another message, used to inform the application about expected or unexpected events that relate to the original message. The Report page displays the properties related to report messages. For more information, see Report options and message flags.

Property Meaning MQMD form
Report Read-only. This field is where the sender application specifies whether report messages are required, whether the application data is to be included in the report messages, and also how the message and correlation identifiers in the report or reply message are to be set. Report
Feedback Read-only. This is used only with report messages to indicate the nature of the report. Feedback
Original length Read-only. This is used only with report messages to indicate the length of the original message to which the report relates. OriginalLength

Context page

The following table lists the properties on the Context page of the Message properties dialog. The Context page displays information from the sender application about the message.

Property Meaning MQMD form
User identifier Read-only. This is the user identifier of the application that originated the message. UserIdentifier
Application type Read-only. This is the type of application that put the message, for example, CICS or AIX . PutApplType
Put application name Read-only. This is the name of the application that put the message. This name might appear truncated. PutApplName
Application identity data Read-only. This is information that is defined by the application suite, and can be used to provide information about the message or its originator. ApplIdentityData
Application origin data Read-only. This is information that is defined by the application suite, and can be used to provide additional information about the origin of the message. ApplOriginData
Accounting token Read-only. This is information that allows the application to appropriately charge work that is done as a result of the message. AccountingToken

Identifiers page

The following table lists the properties on the Identifiers page of the Message properties dialog. The Identifiers page displays identification information that is associated with the message.

Property Meaning MQMD form
Message identifier Read-only. This is the message identifier, which is used to distinguish one message from another. MsgId
Message identifier bytes Read-only. This is the message identifier in byte form. MsgId
Correlation identifier Read-only. This is the correlation identifier, which the application can use to relate one message to another, or to relate the message to other work that the application is performing. CorrelId
Correlation identifier bytes Read-only. This is the correlation identifier in byte form. CorrelId
Group identifier Read-only. This is the group identifier, which is used to identify the particular message group or logical message to which the physical message belongs. GroupId
Group identifier bytes Read-only. This is the group identifier in byte form. GroupId

Segmentation page

The following table lists the properties on the Segmentation page of the Message properties dialog. The Segmentation page displays the properties related to segmenting large messages.

Property Meaning MQMD form
Logical sequence number Read-only. This is the sequence number of the logical message within the group. Sequence numbers start at 1, and increase by 1 for each new logical message in the group, up to a maximum of 999,999,999. A physical message that is not in a group has a sequence number of 1. MsgSeqNumber
Offset Read-only. This is the offset of data in the physical message from the start of the logical message. Offset
Flags Read-only. These are the message flags that specify properties of the message, or control its processing. MsgFlags

Named Properties page

The following table lists the properties on the Named Properties page of the Message properties dialog. The Named Properties page is present only when you have selected as Named Properties on the Message properties page of the Preferences dialog, and if the selected message has properties. Properties of the message, except those contained in the message descriptor or extension, must be represented in the Named Properties panel in name value pairs, and the properties are removed from the message data.

The MQGMO Option is MQGMO_PROPERTIES_IN_HANDLE, for more information on the relevant Get Message Options seeMQ Get Message Options.

For more information on the Preferences dialog, see Configure MQ Explorer.

Property Meaning
Name Read-only. The name of the message property.
Value Read-only. This is the actual value of the named property.

MQRFH2 Properties page

The following table lists the properties on the MQRFH2 Properties page of the Message properties dialog. There are 2 ways to make the MQRFH2 Properties page visible:

  • Select as an MQRFH2 structure in message body on the Messages page of the Preferences dialog.

    Properties of the message, except those contained in the message descriptor or extension, must be represented in the MQRFH2 Properties and the properties remain in the message data. The MQGMO Option is MQGMO_PROPERTIES_FORCE_MQRFH2, for more information on the relevant Get Message Options see MQ Get Message Options.

  • Select as an MQRFH2 structure in message body compatible with WebSphere MQ V6 on the Messages page of the Preferences dialog. The MQRFH2 Properties page will only be visible if the message contains a property with a prefix of mcd, jms, usr, or mqext

    If the message contains a property with a prefix of mcd, jms, usr, or mqext, all message properties, except those contained in the message descriptor or extension, must be represented in the MQRFH2 Properties panel and the properties remain in the message data. Otherwise, all properties of the message, except those contained in the message descriptor or extension, are discarded and not displayed. The MQGMO Option is MQGMO_PROPERTIES_IN_COMPATIBILITY, for more information on the relevant Get Message Options seeMQ Get Message Options.

For more information on the Preferences dialog, see Configure MQ Explorer.

As the MQRFH2 structure is nested xml, the MQRFH2 Properties page displays the MQRFH2 properties in a tree view. All properties with the same synonym are grouped under the synonym tree which can be expanded to display all the properties, and collapsed to hide all the properties.

Property Meaning
Name Read-only. The name of the message property.
Value Read-only. This is the actual value of the named property.

Data page

The following table lists the properties on the Data page of the Message properties dialog. The Data page displays the message data itself and information about the data format.

Property Meaning MQMD form
Data length Read-only. This is the length of the original message. OriginalLength
Format Read-only. This is the name that the sender of the message has used to indicate to the receiver the nature of the data in the message. Format
Coded character set identifier Read-only. This is the coded character set identifier of the character data in the application message data. CodedCharSetId
Encoding Read-only. This is the numeric encoding of numeric data in the message. This value does not apply to numeric data in the MQMD structure itself. Encoding
Message data Read-only. This is the message data in human readable ASCII text. (Not applicable.)
Message data bytes Read-only. This is the message data in hexadecimal format. (Not applicable.)

Dead-letter header page

The following table lists the properties on the Dead-letter header page of the Message properties dialog. The Dead-letter header page is present only when the message has a dead-letter header.

Property Meaning MQMD form
Reason This identifies the reason why the message was placed on the dead-letter (undelivered message) queue instead of on the original destination queue. Reason
Destination queue The name of the message queue that was the original destination for the message. DestQName
Destination queue manager The name of the queue manager that was the original destination for the message. DestQMgrName
Original encoding This specifies the numeric encoding of the data that follows the MQDLH structure (usually the data from the original message); it does not apply to numeric data in the MQDLH structure itself. Encoding
Original CCSID This specifies the character set identifier of the data that follows the MQDLH structure (usually the data from the original message); it does not apply to character data in the MQDLH structure itself. CodedCharSetId
Original format This specifies the format name of the data that follows the MQDLH structure (usually the data from the original message). Format
Put application type The type of application that put the message. This is part of the origin context of the message. For more information on message context, see Message context. PutApplType
Put application name The name of the application that put the message on the dead-letter queue. The format of the name depends on the Put Application Type property. This name might appear truncated. PutApplName
Put date The date when the message was put on the dead-letter queue. PutDate
Put time The time when the message was put on the dead-letter queue. PutTime

Parent topic: Properties

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Last updated: 2020-10-04