Cluster queue manager properties
The Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog shows the properties of the cluster-sender and cluster-receiver channels on the selected cluster queue manager. We cannot edit any of the properties in the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog.
Cluster queue managers are queue managers that are members of a cluster. The term cluster queue manager is also used to refer to the records that each queue manager in a cluster maintains about other queue managers and objects in the cluster, in particular, the cluster-sender and cluster-receiver channels.
The Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog shows the properties of the cluster-sender and cluster-receiver channels on the selected cluster queue manager. The following tables list the properties that are displayed in the properties dialog. These properties vary from the properties shown for the same channels in the Channel properties dialog (see Channel properties).
We cannot edit any of the properties in the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog.
The tables give the equivalent MQSC parameter for the DISPLAY CLUSQMGR command. For more information about MQSC commands, see Administration using MQSC commands.
General page
The following table lists the properties on the General page of the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog.
Property Meaning MQSC parameter Channel name The name of the channel definition. CHANNEL Channel status This is the current status of the channel. STATUS Connection name For cluster-sender channels, this the name of the computer that hosts the target queue manager. For cluster-receiver channels, this is the name of the computer that hosts the local queue manager. The format of the connection name depends on the transmission protocol that is selected. CONNAME Description A description of the cluster channel. DESCR Local communication address If the channel uses TCP/IP and the channel uses a particular IP address, port, or port range for outbound communications, the local communications address for the channel is specified. The channel binds to the address locally. The format used is ipaddress(low-port, high-port), where ipaddress is the IP address specified in IPv4 dotted decimal, IPv6 hexadecimal, or alphanumeric host name format. For example, specifies the IPv4 address with any port; specifies the IPv4 address and a specific port;,2000) specifies the IPv4 address and a range of ports; (1000) specifies a port only. LOCLADDR Suspend This shows whether the queue manager is suspended from the cluster or not (as a result of the SUSPEND QMGR command). Yes means that the queue manager is suspended. SUSPEND Transmission protocol The transport type that the channel uses. TRPTYPE Version The version of the IBM MQ installation that the cluster queue manager is associated with. The version has the following format:
- VV: Version
Extended page
The following table lists the properties on the Extended page of the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog.
Property Meaning MQSC parameter Maximum message length The maximum length of a message, in bytes, that can be transmitted on the channel. MAXMSGL Heartbeat interval The length of the heartbeat interval in seconds. A value of zero means that no heartbeat exchange takes place. The value that is used is the larger of the values specified at the sending side and the receiving end of the channel. The heartbeat interval is the time, in seconds, between heartbeat flows passed from the sending MCA when there are no messages on the transmission queue. The heartbeat exchange gives the receiving MCA the opportunity to quiesce the channel. HBINT Sequence number wrap The sequence number is the count of messages that are sent through the channel. The sequence number increments each time a message is sent through the channel. This property shows the highest message sequence number that can be reached before it restarts at 1. The two ends of the channel must have the same sequence number wrap value when the channel starts; otherwise you get an error. SEQWRAP Non-persistent message speed This shows whether non-persistent messages are sent as part of a transaction. Fast means that non-persistent messages are not sent as part of a transaction and so become available for retrieval far more quickly than if they are part of a transaction; Normal means that non-persistent messages are sent as part of a transaction, which reduces the risk of losing the messages if the channel stops while the messages are in transit. NPMSPEED Batch size The maximum number of messages to be sent before syncpoint is taken. The messages are always transferred individually but are committed or backed out as a batch. BATCHSZ Disconnect interval (seconds) The number of seconds after the batch ends before the channel closes down. On all platforms except for z/OS, a value of 0 means that the channel does not disconnect. On z/OS, a value of 0 means that the channel disconnects immediately. DISCINT Data conversion This shows whether the message is converted before transmission to the format required by the receiving system. Yes means that the message is converted before transmission; No means that the message is converted by the receiving application to the format that is required on the receiving system (this is the typical method). CONVERT Batch interval (milliseconds) The number of milliseconds during which the channel keeps a batch open even if there are no messages on the transmission queue. BATCHINT Batch heartbeat interval (milliseconds) The batch heartbeat interval allows the sending end of the channel to verify that the receiving end of the channel is still active just before the sending end of the channel commits a batch of messages. If the receiving end of the channel is not active, the batch can be backed out rather than becoming in-doubt. By backing out the batch, the messages remain available for processing so that they can, for example, be redirected to another channel. This property shows the number of seconds that the sending end of the channel waits for a response from the receiving end of the channel before assuming that the receiving end of the channel is inactive. A value of 0 means that batch heartbeating is not used. For more information, see Reducing the likelihood of a channel being in doubt. BATCHHB Put authority This property specifies the type of security processing to be carried out by the Message Channel Agent (MCA) when running an MQPUT command to the target queue or an MQI call. Default means that the default user ID is used; Context means that the alternate user ID from the context information that is associated with the message is used. PUTAUT Message compression This shows the message compression techniques that are supported by the channel definition, in order of preference. The first technique that is supported by the other end of the channel is used. None means that no message compression is performed; RLE means that message data compression is performed using run-length encoding; ZLIBFAST means that message data compression is performed using the zlib compression technique and a fast compression time is preferred; ZLIBHIGH means that message data compression is performed using the zlib compression technique and a high level of compression is preferred; ANY means that any compression technique that is supported by the queue manager can be used. For more information, see Distributed queueing and clusters. COMPMSG Header compression This shows the header compression techniques that are supported by the channel definition, in order of preference. The first technique that is supported by the other end of the channel is used. None means that no header compression is performed; System means that header compression is performed. For more information, see Distributed queueing and clusters. COMPHDR Property control This defines what happens to properties of messages that are about to be sent to a V6 or earlier queue manager. The value has to be changed from Compatibility to Force to preserve the V6 behavior of propagating the RFH2 to the caller. The possible values are: All means that all properties of the message are included with the message when it is sent to the remote queue manager. The properties, except those in the message descriptor (or extension), are placed in one or more MQRFH2 headers in the message data.
Compatibility. This is the default value; it allows applications which expect JMS related properties to be in an MQRFH2 header in the message data to continue to work unmodified.
If the message contains a property with a prefix of mcd., jms., usr., or mqext. then all optional message properties (where the Support value is MQPD_SUPPORT_OPTIONAL), except those in the message descriptor (or extension) are placed in one or more MQRFH2 headers in the message data before the message is sent to the remote queue manager. Otherwise all properties of the message, except those in the message descriptor (or extension), are removed from the message before the message is sent to the remote queue manager.
PROPCTL If the message contains a property where the Support field of the property descriptor is not set to MQPD_SUPPORT_OPTIONAL then the message are rejected and treated in accordance with its report options. If the message contains one or more properties where the Support field of the property descriptor is set to MQPD_SUPPORT_OPTIONAL but other fields of the property descriptor are set to non-default values, then these properties are removed from the message before the message is sent to the remote queue manager.
None means that all properties of the message, except those in the message descriptor (or extension), are removed from the message before the message is sent to the remote queue manager. If the message contains a property where the Support field of the property descriptor is not set to MQPD_SUPPORT_OPTIONAL then the message are rejected and treated in accordance with its report options.
Batch data limit Provide the limit in kilobytes, from 0 - 999999, of the amount of data that should be sent through a channel before taking a sync point. A value of 0 means that no data limit is applied to batches over this channel. BATCHLIM Use dead-letter queue Specifies whether the dead-letter queue is used when messages cannot be delivered by channels. There are two possible values:
- No means that messages that cannot be delivered by a channel are treated as a failure, and the channel either ends in accordance with the setting of Non-persistent message speed, or discards the messages.
- Yes means that if the queue manager Dead-letter queue property provides the name of a Dead Letter Queue, then it is used. Otherwise the behavior is as for No.
MCA page
The following table lists the properties on the MCA page of the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog. The properties show how the Message Channel Agent (MCA) for the selected channel runs.
Property Meaning MQSC parameter MCA user ID The user identifier to be used by the message channel agent when attempting to start a secure LU 6.2 session with a remote message channel agent. USERID MCA type This shows how the message channel agent (MCA) program runs. Thread means that the MCA runs as a thread; Process means that MCA runs as a process. MCATYPE MCA name The Message channel agent name. MCANAME
Exits page
The following table lists the properties on the Exits page of the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog. The properties configure the user exits that are run by the selected channel.
Property Meaning MQSC parameter Security exit name The name of the security exit program. SCYEXIT Message exit name The names of our message exit programs. MSGEXIT Send exit name The names of our send exit programs. SENDEXIT Receive exit name The names of our receive exit programs. RCVEXIT Security exit user data The data that is passed to the channel security exit when the channel security exit is called. SCYDATA Message exit user data The data that is passed to the channel message exit when the channel message exit program is called. MSGDATA Send exit user data The data that is passed to the channel send exit when the send exit program is called. SENDDATA Receive exit user data The data that is passed to the channel receive exit when the receive exit program is called. RCVDATA
LU6.2 page
The following table lists the properties on the LU6.2 page of the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog.
Property Meaning MQSC parameter Mode name The LU 6.2 mode name. MODENAME TP name The name, or the generic name, of the MCA program that is run at the far end of the link. TPNAME User ID The user identifier that the MCA uses when attempting to initiate a secure LU 6.2 session with a remote MCA. USERID Password The password that the MCA uses when it attempts to initiate a secure LU 6.2 session with a remote MCA. PASSWORD
Retry page
The following table lists the properties on the Retry page of the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog. The properties configure how the channel behaves if the channel cannot connect to the remote queue manager.
Property Meaning MQSC parameter Short retry count The maximum number of times that the channel can try to connect to a remote queue manager. SHORTRTY Short retry interval The approximate interval, in seconds, that the channel must wait before it tries again to connect to the remote queue manager during the short retry count. A value of 0 means that the channel tries again immediately. SHORTTMR Long retry count The maximum number of times that the channel can try to connect to a remote queue manager. The value of this property is used only when the count specified in the Short retry count property has been exhausted and the channel has still not successfully connected to the remote queue manager. LONGRTY Long retry interval The approximate interval, in seconds, that the channel must wait before it tries again to connect to the remote queue manager during the long retry count. A value of 0 means that the channel tries again immediately. LONGTMR Keep alive interval The value of the Keep alive interval property specifies the time-out value of the channel. Auto means that the keepalive value is based on the value of the negotiated Heartbeat interval. If a value is specified and the negotiated Heartbeat interval is greater than zero, the Keep alive interval is the negotiated Heartbeat interval plus 60 seconds; if the negotiated Heartbeat interval is zero, the Keep alive interval is zero too. A value of 0 means that KeepAlive on this channel is disabled. KAINT
Message retry page
The following table lists the properties on the Message retry page of the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog. The properties configure how the channel behaves if the channel fails the first time that it tries to put a message on a remote queue
Property Meaning MQSC parameter Message retry count The number of times that the channel retries to connect to the remote queue manager before it decides that it cannot deliver the message to the remote queue. This property controls the action of the MCA only if the Message retry exit name property is blank. If the Message retry exit name property is not blank, the value of the Message retry count property is passed to the exit for the exit's use but the number of times that the channel retries to connect is controlled by the exit, not by the Message retry count property. MRRTY Message retry interval The minimum length of time, in milliseconds, that the channel must wait before it can try again to put the message on the remote queue. MRTMR Message retry exit name The name of the channel message-retry exit program. MRDATA Message retry exit user data The data that is passed to the channel message retry exit when the channel message retry exit is called. MREXIT
Cluster page
The following table lists the properties on the Cluster page of the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog.
Property Meaning MQSC parameter Cluster name The name of the cluster in which the selected channel definition is shared. Cluster queue manager The name of the queue manager that hosts the selected channel definition. Definition type This shows how the channel was defined. Cluster-sender means that the channel was defined as a cluster-sender channel from an explicit definition; Auto cluster-sender means that the channel was defined as a cluster-sender channel by auto-definition alone; Auto explicit cluster-sender means that the channel was defined as a cluster-sender channel by auto-definition and an explicit definition; Cluster-receiver means that the channel was defined as a cluster-receiver channel from an explicit definition. DEFTYPE Queue manager type This shows the function of the queue manager in the cluster. Repository means that the queue manager is a full repository for the cluster; Normal means that the queue manager is a partial repository for the cluster. QMTYPE QMID The internally generated unique name of the cluster queue manager. QMID Network priority The value of this property indicates the channels priority for the network connection; 0 is the lowest priority. NETPRTY CLWL channel rank The rank of the channel in the cluster; 0 is the lowest rank. For more information, see Distributed queuing and clusters. CLWLRANK CLWL channel priority The priority of the channel in the cluster; 0 is the lowest priority. For more information, see Distributed queuing and clusters. CLWLPRTY CLWL channel weight The weighting that is applied to the channel so that the proportion of messages that is sent through the channel is controlled; 1 is the lowest weighting. For more information, see Distributed queuing and clusters. CLWLWGHT Transmission queue The cluster-sender channel is transferring messages from this transmission queue.The name is one of the following transmission queues:
- The default cluster transmission queue. The queue is shared between cluster-sender channels. The queue is used if the queue manager property, Default cluster transmission queue is set to SCTQ, and no transmission queue has its parameter Cluster channel name set to resolve to this cluster-sender channel. The queue is also used if the version of the queue manager is less than IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.
- The transmission queue is created by the queue manager, in response to setting the queue manager property, Default cluster transmission queue to Queue for each channel. By default, the queue is not shared between cluster-sender channels.
- User-defined transmission queue
- The transmission queue parameter, Cluster channel name is manually set to resolve to this cluster-sender channel. Multiple cluster-sender channels might transfer messages from this transmission queue.
SSL page
The following table lists the properties on the SSL page of the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog. The properties configure the channel to use TLS security.
Property Meaning MQSC parameter SSL CipherSpec The name of the CipherSpec for an TLS connection. Both ends of the IBM MQ TLS channel definition must have the same value in the SSL CipherSpec property. SSLCIPH Accept only certificates with Distinguished Names matching these values The value of the Distinguished Name on the certificate from the peer queue manager or the client at the other end of the IBM MQ channel. When the channel starts, the value of this property is compared with the Distinguished Name of the certificate. SSLPEER Authentication of parties initiating connections This parameter specifies how the channel authenticates TLS clients. Required means that the channel must receive and authenticate an TLS certificate from an TLS client; Optional means that the channel is not required to receive and authenticate an TLS certificate from an TLS client. If the value is Optional and the peer TLS client sends a certificate, the channel authenticates the certificate as normal. SSLCAUTH
Statistics page
The following table lists the properties on the Statistics page of the Cluster Queue Manager properties dialog. The Statistics page shows the date and time on which the cluster queue manager was last altered.
Parent topic: Properties
Property Meaning MQSC parameter Alteration date The date on which the queue's properties were last altered. ALTDATE Alteration time The time at which the queue's properties were last altered. ALTTIME
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