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qm.ini file stanzas and attributes

A summary of the attributes of the stanzas of the queue manager configuration file, qmi.ini, with links to more information.

Stanza and attributes Description of attributes
AccessMode stanza
access group 1 A Windows security group, members of which will be granted full access to all queue manager data files.
ApiExitLocal stanza
Name The descriptive name of the API exit passed to it in the ExitInfoName field of the MQAXP structure.
Function The name of the function entry point into the module containing the API exit code.
Module The module containing the API exit code.
Data Data to be passed to the API exit in the ExitData field of the MQAXP structure.
Sequence The sequence in which this API exit is called relative to other API exits.
AutoCluster stanza
Type The type of automatic cluster. The only valid option is Uniform, which represents a uniform cluster.
ClusterName The name of the automatic cluster.
RepositoryName1 The queue manager name for the first full repository in the automatic cluster.
Repository1Conname The connection name (CONNAME) value for how members of the automatic cluster should connect to the queue manager.
RepositoryName2 The queue manager name for the second full repository in the automatic cluster.
Repository2Conname The connection name (CONNAME) value for how members of the automatic cluster should connect to the queue manager.
AutoConfig stanza
MQSCConfig Either a full file path, or path to a directory, where all *.mqsc files are applied to the queue manager on every queue manager start.
IniConfig Either a full file path, or path to a directory, where all *.ini file are applied to the qm.ini file on every queue manager start.
Channels stanza
MaxChannels The maximum number of current channels allowed.
MaxActiveChannels The maximum number of channels allowed to be active at any time.
MaxInitiators The maximum number of initiators.
MQIBindType The binding for applications.
PipeLineLength The maximum number of concurrent threads a channel will use.
AdoptNewMCA Which types of channels can have the existing channel instance stopped so that a new channel instance can start when IBM MQ receives a request to start a channel, but finds that an instance of the channel is already running.
AdoptNewMCATimeout The amount of time, in seconds, that the new channel instance waits for the old channel instance to end.
AdoptNewMCACheck The type of checking required when enabling the AdoptNewMCA attribute.
ChlauthEarlyAdopt The order in which connection authentication and channel authentication rules are processed.
PasswordProtection Set protected passwords in the MQCSP structure, rather than using TLS.
IgnoreSeqNumberMismatch Controls how the queue manager handles a sequence number mismatch during channel startup.
Connection stanza
DefaultBindType Whether applications and the queue manager, which run in separate processes, share some resources or no resources between them.
DiagnosticMessages stanza
name Name of a stanza.
Service A service that is being enabled by this stanza.
ExcludeMessage Messages that are not to be written to the queue manager error log.
SuppressMessage Messages that are to be written to the queue manager error log once only in a specified time interval.
SuppressInterval The time interval, in seconds, in which messages specified in SuppressMessage are written to the queue manager error log once only.
Severities A comma separated list of severity levels.
FilePath The path to where the log files are written. (Only supported when the Service attribute is set to File.)
FilePrefix The prefix of the log files. (Only supported when the Service attribute is set to File.)
FileSize The size at which the log rolls over. (Only supported when the Service attribute is set to File.)
Format The format of the file. (Only supported when the Service attribute is set to File.)
Syslog The Syslog service that sends any unfiltered messages to syslog using the JSON format diagnostic messages specification.
Ident The ident value associated with the syslog entries. (Only supported when the Service attribute is set to Syslog.)
ExitPath stanza
ExitsDefaultPath The path for user exit programs on the queue manager system (32-bit).
ExitsDefaultPath64 The path for user exit programs on the queue manager system (64-bit).
ExitPropertiesLocal stanza
CLWLMode Whether the cluster workloac (CLWL) exit exit runs either in FAST mode or SAFE mode.
Filesystem stanza
ValidateAuth Allow users who are not members of the mqm group to access error directories and files.
Log stanza
LogPrimaryFiles The log files allocated when the queue manager is created.
LogSecondaryFiles The log files allocated when the primary files are exhausted.
LogFilePages The number of log file pages. (The log file size is specified in units of 4 KB pages.)
LogType The type of logging to be used by the queue manager (circular or linear).
LogBufferPages The amount of memory allocated to buffer records for writing, specifying the size of the buffers in units of 4 KB pages.
LogPath The directory in which the log files for a queue manager reside.
LogWriteIntegrity The method the logger uses to reliably write log records.
LogManagement The method used to manage log extents, either manually or by the queue manager.
LU62 stanza
TPName The TP name to start on the remote site.
Library1 The name of the APPC DLL.
Library2 The same as Library1, used if the code is stored in two separate libraries.
NETBIOS stanza
LocalName The name by which this machine is known on the LAN.
AdapterNum The number of the LAN adapter.
NumSess The number of sessions to allocate.
NumCmds The number of commands to allocate.
NumNames The number of names to allocate.
Library1 The name of the NetBIOS DLL.
QMErrorLog stanza
ErrorLogSize Specifies the size of the queue manager error log which it is copied to the backup.
ExcludeMessage Specifies messages that are not to be written to the queue manager error log.
SuppressMessage Specifies messages that are written to the queue manager error log once only in a specified time interval.
SuppressInterval Specifies the time interval, in seconds, in which messages specified in SuppressMessage are written to the queue manager error log once only.
Restricted Mode stanza 2
ApplicationGroup The name of the local transmission queue where remote messages are put if a transmission queue is not explicitly defined for their destination.
Security stanza
ClusterQueueAccessControl Check the access control of cluster queues or fully qualified queues hosted on cluster queue managers.
GroupModel Whether the Object Authority Manager (OAM) checks global groups when determining the group membership of a user on Windows.
Service stanza
Name The name of the required service.
EntryPoints The number of entry points defined for the service.
SecurityPolicy On Windows, the security policy for each queue manager
SecurityPolicy On UNIX and Linux, whether the queue manager uses user-based or group-based authorization.
SharedBindingsUserId For shared bindings only, whether the UserIdentifier field in the IdentityContext structure, from the MQZ_AUTHENTICATE_USER function, is the effective user ID or the real user ID.
FastpathBindingsUserId For fastpath bindings only, whether the UserIdentifier field in the IdentityContext structure, from the MQZ_AUTHENTICATE_USER function, is the effective user ID or the real user ID.
IsolatedBindingsUserId For isolated bindings only, whether the UserIdentifier field in the IdentityContext structure, from the MQZ_AUTHENTICATE_USER function, is the effective user ID or the real user ID.
ServiceComponent stanza
Service The name of the required service.
Name The descriptive name of the service component.
Module The name of the module to contain the code for this component.
ComponentDataSize The size, in bytes, of the component data area passed to the component on each call.
SPX stanza
Socket The SPX socket number in hexadecimal notation.
BoardNum The LAN adapter number.
KeepAlive Switch the KeepAlive function on or off.
Library1 The name of the SPX DLL.
Library2 The same as LibraryName1, used if the code is stored in two separate libraries.
ListenerBacklog Override the default number of outstanding requests for the SPX listener.
SSL stanza
AllowOutboundSNI Specifies whether SNI capable clients will set SNI to the target IBM MQ channel name to the remote system when initiating a TLS connection.
AllowedCipherSpecs Specifies a custom list of CipherSpecs that are ordered and enabled for use with IBM MQ channels on Multiplatforms.
AllowTLSV13 Whether a queue manager is able to use the TLS 1.3 CipherSpecs.
CDPCheckExtensions Whether TLS channels on this queue manager try to check CDP servers that are named in CrlDistributionPoint certificate extensions.
MinimumRSAKeySize Specifies the minimum keysize that RSA certificates must have in order to be accepted.
OCSPAuthentication The action to be taken when a revocation status cannot be determined from an OCSP server.
OCSPCheckExtensions Whether TLS channels on this queue manager try to check OCSP servers that are named in AuthorityInfoAccess certificate extensions.
OCSPTimeout The number of seconds to wait for an OCSP responder when performing a revocation check.
PeerCertChainValidation The GSKit certificate validation setting.
SSLHTTPProxyName Either the host name or network address of the HTTP Proxy server that is to be used by GSKit for OCSP checks.
SSLHTTPConnectTimeout The number of seconds to wait for a network connection to be successfully established to a HTTP server when performing a revocation check.
Subpool stanza 3 This stanza is created by IBM MQ. Do not change it .
ShortSubpoolName 3 A name corresponding to a directory and symbolic link created inside the /var/mqm/sockets directory, which IBM MQ uses for internal communications between its running processes.
TCP stanza  
Port The default port number, in decimal notation, for TCP/IP sessions.
Library1 The name of the TCP/IP sockets DLL.
KeepAlive Switch the KeepAlive function on or off.
ListenerBacklog Override the default number of outstanding requests for the TCP/IP listener.
Connect_Timeout The number of seconds before an attempt to connect the socket times out.
SndBuffSize The size in bytes of the TCP/IP send buffer used by the sending end of channels.
RcvBuffSize The size in bytes of the TCP/IP receive buffer used by the receiving end of channels.
RcvSndBuffSize The size in bytes of the TCP/IP send buffer used by the sender end of a receiver channel.
RcvRcvBuffSize The size in bytes of the TCP/IP receive buffer used by the receiving end of a receiver channel.
SvrSndBuffSize The size in bytes of the TCP/IP send buffer used by the server end of a client-connection server-connection channel.
SvrRcvBuffSize The size in bytes of the TCP/IP receive buffer used by the server end of a client-connection server-connection channel.
Tuning parameters stanza
ImplSyncOpenOutput The minimum number of applications that have the queue open for put, before an implicit syncpoint might be enabled for a persistent put, outside of syncpoint.
UniformClusterName The name of the IBM MQ cluster we are using as a uniform cluster.
Variables stanza
attribute=value A name and associated value for use as an insert during MQSC definitions.
XAResourceManager stanza
Name The resource manager instance.
SwitchFile The fully-qualified name of the load file containing the resource manager's XA switch structure.
XAOpenString The string of data to be passed to the resource manager's xa_open entry point.
XACloseString The string of data to be passed to the resource manager's xa_close entry point.
ThreadOfControl The value that the queue manager uses for serialization when it needs to call the resource manager from one of its own multithreaded processes. Mandatory for Windows.
  1. The AccessMode stanza is set by the -a [r] option on the crtmqm command. Do not change the AccessMode stanza after the queue manager has been created.
  2. The RestrictedMode stanza is set by the -g option on the crtmqm command. Do not change this stanza after the queue manager has been created. If we do not use the -g option, the stanza is not created in the qm.ini file.
  3. The Subpool stanza, and the attribute ShortSubpoolName within that stanza, are written automatically by IBM MQ when you create a queue manager. IBM MQ chooses a value for ShortSubpoolName. Do not alter this value.

Parent topic: Queue manager configuration files, qm.ini

Last updated: 2020-10-04