Set up IBM MQ for z/OS

Use this topic as a step by step guide for customizing the IBM MQ for z/OS system .

The best way to configure a queue manager is to carry out the following steps in the order shown:
  1. Configure the base queue manager.
  2. Configure the channel initiator, which performs queue manager to queue manager communications, and remote client application communication.
  3. To encrypt or protect messages, configure Advanced Message Security for z/OS.
  4. To use IBM MQ to transfer files, configure Managed File Transfer for z/OS.
  5. To use the administrative or messaging REST API, or the MQ Console to manage IBM MQ from a web browser, configure the mqweb server.

This topic leads you through the various stages of setting up IBM MQ after you have successfully installed it. The installation process is described in the Program Directory. Program Directories can be downloaded from the IBM Publications Center (see IBM MQ for z/OS Program Directory PDF files).

Samples are supplied with IBM MQ to help you with your customization. The sample data set members have names beginning with the four characters CSQ4 and are in the library thlqual.SCSQPROC.

Before you perform the customization tasks described in this topic, there are a number of configuration options that we must consider because they affect the performance and resource requirements of IBM MQ for z/OS. For example, we must decide which globalization libraries we want to use.

To automate some of the customization steps, see Use IBM z/OSMF to automate IBM MQ.

Configuration options

For more information about these options, see Plan on z/OS.

The description of each task in this section indicates whether:

  • The task is part of the process of setting up IBM MQ. That is, you perform the task once when you customize IBM MQ on the z/OS system. (In a parallel sysplex, we must perform the task for each z/OS system in the sysplex, and ensure that each z/OS system is set up identically.)
  • The task is part of adding a queue manager. That is, you perform the task once for each queue manager when you add that queue manager.

None of the tasks require you to perform an IPL of our z/OS system, if we use commands to change the various z/OS system parameters, and perform Update SYS1.PARMLIB members as suggested.

To simplify operations and to aid with problem determination, ensure that all z/OS systems in a sysplex are set up identically, so that queue managers can be quickly created on any system in an emergency.

For ease of maintenance, consider defining aliases to refer to the IBM MQ libraries; for more information, see Use an alias to refer to an IBM MQ library.

Parent topic: Configure queue managers on z/OS

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