Preparing to install the Java EE database logger for MFT
Follow these instructions to prepare your Managed File Transfer environment before installing the Java EE database logger.
For more information about the Java EE
database logger, see the topic Configure an MFT logger.
- Install your database software using the documentation for the database. If JDBC support is an optional component for the database, we must install this component.
- Create a database using the tools provided by your database. The database must have a table space and bufferpool page size of at least 8K. The default schema name is FTELOG. If we use a schema name other than FTELOG, we must edit the provided SQL file appropriate to your database, ftelog_tables_db2.sql or ftelog_tables_oracle.sql, to reflect this before proceeding to the next step.Note: The ftelog_tables_db2.sql and ftelog_tables_oracle.sql files are in the file path <MQ-installation-path>/mqft/sql
Create the required database tables using your database's tools.
On Multiplatforms, the files ftelog_tables_db2.sql and ftelog_tables_oracle.sql contain SQL commands that we can run to create the tables.
On z/OS, the file that we need to run depends on the version of Db2 for z/OS that we are using:- For Db2 for z/OS V9.0 and earlier, run the file ftelog_tables_zos.sql to create the tables. This file creates the tables using an INTEGER data type for fields which denote the sizes of files that are transferred and the table ID associated with each transfer.
- For Db2 for z/OS V9.1 and later, run the file ftelog_tables_zos_bigint.sql to create the tables. This file creates the tables using a BIGINT data type for fields which denote the sizes of files that are transferred and the table ID associated with each transfer.
- If we have changed the schema name from FTELOG, we must change the schema name in the EAR file. For more information, see Change the schema name in the Java EE database logger for MFT.
- Create a reject queue in IBM MQ . Because the logger never discards log messages, if the logger encounters a message that it cannot handle, it places the message on the reject queue for examination and possible reprocessing. Do not use the queue manager's dead letter queue for this purpose, because rejected messages do not have a DLH header and because rejected messages must not be combined with messages put to the dead letter queue for other reasons. The fteCreateLogger command creates a reject queue. The default name for this reject queue is SYSTEM.FTE.LOG.RJCT.logger_name
- Follow the instructions in the topic Configure user access for the Java EE database logger for MFT.