Configure MFT for first use

We must perform some configuration tasks for Managed File Transfer agents and queue managers once, the first time we want to use them.

  • Connect to IBM MQ
    All network communication with IBM MQ queue managers, including communication related to Managed File Transfer, involves IBM MQ channels. An IBM MQ channel represents one end of a network link. Channels are classified as either message channels or MQI channels.
  • Configure MFT network queue managers
    If your Managed File Transfer network includes more than one IBM MQ queue manager, these IBM MQ queue managers must be able to remotely communicate with each other.
  • Configure the coordination queue manager for MFT
    After running the fteSetupCoordination command, run the coordination_qmgr_name.mqsc script in the MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft/config/coordination_qmgr_name directory to perform the necessary configuration for the coordination queue manager. However, if we want to do this configuration manually, complete the following steps on the coordination queue manager.
  • Configure MFT Agent queue managers
    After installation, run the agent_name_create.mqsc script in the MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft/config/coordination_qmgr_name/agents/agent_name directory to perform the necessary configuration for the agent queue manager. However, if we want to do this configuration manually, complete these steps on the agent queue manager.
  • Create an IBM MQ File Transfer structure
    We can configure a Managed File Transfer structure, based on a single agent connected to a queue manager on the same machine.
  • Configure a multi-instance queue manager to work with MFT
    IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0.1 onwards supports the creation of multi-instance queue managers. A multi-instance queue manager restarts automatically on a standby server. Managed File Transfer supports connection to multi-instance agent queue managers, a multi-instance coordination queue manager, and a multi-instance command queue manager.
  • Retaining MFT log messages
    Managed File Transfer sends file transfer progress and log information to the coordination queue manager. The coordination queue manager publishes this information to any matching subscriptions to the SYSTEM.FTE topic. If there are no subscriptions, this information is not retained.

Parent topic: Configure Managed File Transfer

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