Work with dead-letter queues
Each queue manager typically has a local queue to use as a dead-letter queue, so that messages that cannot be delivered to their correct destination can be stored for later retrieval. You tell the queue manager about the dead-letter queue, and specify how messages found on a dead-letter queue are to be processed. Using dead-letter queues can affect the sequence in which messages are delivered, so you might choose not to use them.
To tell the queue manager about the dead-letter queue, specify a dead-letter queue name on the crtmqm command (crtmqm -u DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE, for example), or by using the DEADQ attribute on the ALTER QMGR command to specify one later. We must define the dead-letter queue before using it.
A sample dead-letter queue called SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE is available with the product. This queue is automatically created when you create the queue manager. We can modify this definition if required, and rename it.
A dead-letter queue has no special requirements except that:
- It must be a local queue
- Its MAXMSGL (maximum message length) attribute must enable the queue to accommodate the largest messages that the queue manager has to handle plus the size of the dead-letter header (MQDLH)
Use dead-letter queues can affect the sequence in which messages are delivered, so you might choose not to use them. You set the USEDLQ channel attribute to determine whether the dead-letter queue is used when messages cannot be delivered. This attribute can be configured so that some functions of the queue manager use the dead-letter queue, while other functions do not. For more information about the use of the USEDLQ channel attribute on different MQSC commands, see DEFINE CHANNEL, DISPLAY CHANNEL, ALTER CHANNEL, and DISPLAY CLUSQMGR.
IBM MQ provides a dead-letter queue handler that allows you to specify how messages found on a dead-letter queue are to be processed or removed. See Processing messages on an IBM MQ dead-letter queue.
- Processing messages on an IBM MQ dead-letter queue
To process messages on a dead-letter queue (DLQ), IBM MQ supplies a default DLQ handler. The handler matches messages on the DLQ against entries in a rules table that you define.Parent topic: Work with local IBM MQ objects
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