Example recovery procedures on z/OS®

Use this topic as a reference for various recovery procedures.

This topic describes procedures for recovering IBM MQ after various error conditions. These error conditions are grouped in the following categories:

Table 1. Example recovery procedures
Problem category Problem Where to look next
Shared queue problems Conflicting definitions for both private and shared queues. Shared queue problems
Active log problems

  • Dual logging is lost.
  • Active log has stopped.
  • One or both copies of the active log data set are damaged.
  • Write errors on active log data set.
  • Active log is becoming full or is full.
  • Read errors on active log data set.
Active log problems
Archive log problems

  • Insufficient DASD space to complete offloading active log data sets.
  • Offload task has terminated abnormally.
  • Archive data set allocation problem. 1
  • Read I/O errors on the archive data set during restart.
Archive log problems
BSDS problems

  • Error opening BSDS.
  • Log content does not correspond with BSDS information.
  • Both copies of the BSDS are damaged.
  • Unequal time stamps.
  • Dual BSDS data sets are out of synchronization.
  • I/O error on BSDS.
BSDS problems
Page set problems

  • Page set full.
  • A page set has an I/O error.
Page set problems
coupling facility and Db2® problems

  • Storage medium full.
  • Db2 system fails.
  • Db2 data-sharing group fails.
  • Db2 and the coupling facility fail.
Coupling facility and Db2 problems
Unit of work problems A long-running unit of work is encountered. Problems with long-running units of work
IMS problems

  • An IMS application terminates abnormally.
  • The IMS adapter cannot connect to IBM MQ.
  • IMS not operational.
IMS-related problems
Hardware problems Media recovery procedures Hardware problems