Grant access to a user to publish to a topic deeper within the tree

This topic is the second in a list of tasks that tells you how to grant access to publish to topics by more than one user.

Before you begin

This topic uses the setup described in Grant access to a user to publish to a topic.

If the point in the topic tree where the application publishes is not represented by an administrative topic object, move up the tree until the closest parent administrative topic object is located. The security profile is checked, based on the name of that topic object.

Figure 1. Granting publish access to a topic within a topic tree

Table 1. Example publish access requirements
Topic Subscribe access required Topic object
Price No user None
Price/Vegetables USER1 VEG
Price/Vegetables/Potatoes USER1  
Price/Vegetables/Onions USER1  

In the previous task USER1 was granted access to publish topic Price/Vegetables/Potatoes by granting it access to the hlq.PUBLISH.VEG profile on z/OSĀ® or publish access to the VEG profile on other platforms. This single profile also grants USER1 access to publish at Price/Vegetables/Onions.

When USER1 attempts to publish at topic Price/Vegetables/Potatoes the result is success; that is the MQOPEN call succeeds.

When USER2 attempts to subscribe to topic Price/Vegetables/Potatoes the result is failure; that is, the MQOPEN call fails with an MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED message, together with:

  • On z/OS, the following messages seen on the console that show the full security path through the topic tree that has been attempted:
    ICH408I USER(USER2   ) ...
      hlq.PUBLISH.VEG ...
    ICH408I USER(USER2   ) ...
  • On other platforms, the following authorization event:
    ReasonQualifier	  MQRQ_OPEN_NOT_AUTHORIZED
    UserIdentifier	    USER2
    AdminTopicNames	  VEG, SYSTEM.BASE.TOPIC
    TopicString		   "Price/Vegetables/Potatoes"
Note the following:

  • The messages you receive on z/OS are identical to those received in the previous task as the same topic objects and profiles are controlling the access.
  • The event message you receive on other platforms is similar to the one received in the previous task, but the actual topic string is different.