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Grant access to a user to publish to a topic

This topic is the first one in a list of tasks that tells you how to grant access to publish topics by more than one user.

About this task

This task assumes that no administrative topic objects exist on the right hand side of the topic tree, nor have any profiles been defined for publication. The assumption used is that publishers are using the topic string only. An application can publish to a topic by providing a topic object, or a topic string, or a combination of both. Whichever way the application selects, the effect is to publish at a certain point in the topic tree. If this point in the topic tree is represented by an administrative topic object, a security profile is checked based on the name of that topic object. For example:
Figure 1. Granting publish access to a topic

Table 1. Example publish access requirements
Topic Publish access required Topic object
Price No user None
Price/Vegetables USER1 VEG

Define a new topic object as follows:


  1. Issue the MQSC command DEF TOPIC(VEG) TOPICSTR('Price/Vegetables').
  2. Grant access as follows:

    • z/OS® : Grant access to USER1 to publish to topic Price/Vegetables by granting the user access to the hlq.PUBLISH.VEG profile. Do this, using the following RACF® commands:
    • Other platforms:

      Grant access to USER1 to publish to topic Price/Vegetables by granting the user access to the VEG profile. Do this, using the authorization command for the platform:

        Windows, UNIX and Linux systems
        setmqaut -t topic -n VEG -p USER1 +pub

        IBM® i


When USER1 attempts to publish to topic Price/Vegetables the result is success; that is, the MQOPEN call succeeds.

When USER2 attempts to publish to topic Price/Vegetables the MQOPEN call fails with an MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED message, together with:

Note that this is an illustration of what you see; not all the fields.