Implementing confidentiality in user exit programs
Implementing confidentiality in security exits
Security exits can play a role in the confidentiality service by generating and distributing the symmetric key for encrypting and decrypting the data that flows on the channel. A common technique for doing this uses PKI technology.
One security exit generates a random data value, encrypts it with the public key of the queue manager or user that the partner security exit is representing, and sends the encrypted data to its partner in a security message. The partner security exit decrypts the random data value with the private key of the queue manager or user it is representing. Each security exit can now use the random data value to derive the symmetric key independently of the other by using an algorithm known to both of them. Alternatively, they can use the random data value as the key.
If the first security exit has not authenticated its partner by this time, the next security message sent by the partner can contain an expected value encrypted with the symmetric key. The first security exit can now authenticate its partner by checking that the partner security exit was able to encrypt the expected value correctly.
The security exits can also use this opportunity to agree the algorithm for encrypting and decrypting the data that flows on the channel, if more than one algorithm is available for use.
Implementing confidentiality in message exits
A message exit at the sending end of a channel can encrypt the application data in a message and another message exit at the receiving end of the channel can decrypt the data. For performance reasons, a symmetric key algorithm is normally used for this purpose. For more information about how the symmetric key can be generated and distributed, see Implementing confidentiality in user exit programs.
Headers in a message, such as the transmission queue header, MQXQH, which includes the embedded message descriptor, must not be encrypted by a message exit. This is because data conversion of the message headers takes place either after a message exit is called at the sending end or before a message exit is called at the receiving end. If the headers are encrypted, data conversion fails and the channel stops.
Implementing confidentiality in send and receive exits
Send and receive exits can be used to encrypt and decrypt the data that flows on a channel. They are more appropriate than message exits for providing this service for the following reasons:- On a message channel, message headers can be encrypted as well as the application data in the messages.
- Send and receive exits can be used on MQI channels as well as message channels. Parameters on MQI calls might contain sensitive application data that needs to be protected while it flows on an MQI channel. We can therefore use the same send and receive exits on both kinds of channels.
Implementing confidentiality in the API exit and API-crossing exit
The application data in a message can be encrypted by an API or API-crossing exit when the message is put by the sending application and decrypted by a second exit when the message is retrieved by the receiving application. For performance reasons, a symmetric key algorithm is typically used for this purpose. However, at the application level, where many users might be sending messages to each other, the problem is how to ensure that only the intended receiver of a message is able to decrypt the message. One solution is to use a different symmetric key for each pair of users that send messages to each other. But this solution might be difficult and time consuming to administer, particularly if the users belong to different organizations. A standard way of solving this problem is known as digital enveloping and uses PKI technology.
When an application puts a message on a queue, an API or API-crossing exit generates a random symmetric key and uses the key to encrypt the application data in the message. The exit encrypts the symmetric key with the public key of the intended receiver. It then replaces the application data in the message with the encrypted application data and the encrypted symmetric key. In this way, only the intended receiver can decrypt the symmetric key and therefore the application data. If an encrypted message has more than one possible intended receiver, the exit can encrypt a copy of the symmetric key for each intended receiver.
If different algorithms for encrypting and decrypting the application data are available for use, the exit can include the name of the algorithm it has used.