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User IDs checked for CICS connections

The user IDs checked for CICS® connections depend on whether one or two checks are to be carried out, and whether an alternate user ID is specified.

Table 1. User ID checking against profile name for CICS-type user IDs
Alternate user ID specified on open? hlq.ALTERNATE.USER.userid profile hlq.CONTEXT.queuename profile hlq.resourcename profile
No, 1 check - ADS ADS
No, 2 checks - ADS+TXN ADS+TXN
Yes, 1 check ADS ADS ADS

Determine the user IDs checked for the following conditions:

First, see how many CICS user IDs are checked based on the CICS address space user ID access to the RESLEVEL profile. From Table 1 in topic RESLEVEL and CICS connections, two user IDs are checked if the RESLEVEL profile is set to NONE. Then, from Table 1 on, these checks are carried out:

This means that four security checks are made for this MQOPEN call.