Buffer manager messages (CSQP...)
- CSQP002I
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
One of the following commands has been issued incorrectly:
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
See MQSC commands for information about the command, and reissue the command correctly.
- CSQP003I
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
One of the following commands has been issued incorrectly:
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
See MQSC commands for information about the command, and reissue the command correctly.
- CSQP004E
csect-name I/O ERROR STATUS ret-code PSID psid RBA rba
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An I/O error has occurred. ret-code is the return code from the Media Manager. psid is the identifier of the page set for which the error occurred and rba is the RBA (in hexadecimal) of the record on which the error occurred.
- System action
The queue manager can be abended. For example, in the case of a failing MQGET or MQPUT, the queue manager is not terminated if the CSQP004E I/O error occurs during a IBM MQ API call. However, if the I/O error occurs during checkpoint processing, the queue manager is terminated.
- System programmer response
See the MVS/DFP Diagnosis Reference manual for information about return codes from the Media Manager. If we do not have access to the required manual, contact your IBM support center, quoting the return code from the Media Manager.
- CSQP005I
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
One of the following commands has been issued incorrectly:
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Reissue the command correctly. The total number of buffers that it is possible to define in all the buffer pools is determined by the amount of storage available in the queue manager address space.
- CSQP006I
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to restart with a log from another queue manager was detected. The name recorded in the log during checkpoint does not match the name of the queue manager using that log for restart.
- System action
Restart is abnormally terminated with completion code X'5C6' and reason code X'00D70102'.
- System programmer response
Change the started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR for the queue manager to name the appropriate bootstrap and log data sets.
- CSQP007I
Page set x uses buffer pool n
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
This message gives the buffer pool used by the specified page set.
It is sent in response to a DEFINE PSID(x) command.
- CSQP009I
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
An incomplete update operation was detected for page page-number of page set psid. The page is being restored to a consistent state from information on the log.
Message CSQP010I will be issued when the page recovery operation has completed.
- CSQP010I
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
An incomplete update operation was detected for page page-number of page set psid. The page has been restored to a consistent state from information on the log.
- CSQP011E
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to open a page set was unsuccessful. psid is the page set identifier and ret-code is the return code from the Data Facilities Product (DFP) CONNECT function.
This can occur during queue manager startup, where the most likely cause is that there is no DD statement for the page set included in the queue manager started task JCL, or in response to a DEFINE PSID command used to add a page set dynamically.
- System action
If this occurs during queue manager startup, MQ attempts to dynamically allocate the page set and retry the open, on the assumption that the DD statement for the page set is missing. Messages following message CSQI010I at the end of restart indicate whether the dynamic page set allocation was successful, or whether such page sets still remain offline.
If the page set cannot be opened, the queue manager continues running, but you will be unable to access the data in that page set. You could encounter problems during restart, or when attempting to open a queue.
- System programmer response
If applicable, ensure that there is a DD statement for the page set included in the queue manager started task JCL.
If the page set cannot be opened, see the MVS/DFP Diagnosis Reference manual for information about return codes from the Media Manager. If we do not have access to the required manual, contact your IBM support center, quoting the return code from the Media Manager.
- CSQP012I
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to close a page set was unsuccessful. psid is the page set identifier and ret-code is the return code from the Media Manager.
- System action
Queue manager shutdown continues, but some information might be missing from the page set. This will be corrected from the log during restart.
- System programmer response
See the MVS/DFP Diagnosis Reference manual for information about return codes from the Media Manager. If we do not have access to the required manual, contact your IBM support center, quoting the return code from the Media Manager.
- CSQP013I
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Page set psid has been successfully dynamically expanded by creating a new extent.
- System action
The new extent is formatted; message CSQI031I will be issued when formatting completes successfully.
- System programmer response
The page set can only be expanded 123 times. After this you will have to reallocate the page set using larger primary and secondary extents. For information about managing page sets, see Managing page sets.
- CSQP014E
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to expand a page set dynamically was unsuccessful.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Look for messages from VSAM or DFP that explain why the request was unsuccessful, and do the required actions.
Determine why the page set needs to expand:- Review Plan the page sets and buffer pools to make sure your page set allocation is large enough for our application queues.
- If there is a large depth on the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) either implement the DLQ Handler, CSQUDLQH, or clear the queue with CLEAR QLOCAL command if we don't need to take further action with the messages. Similarly, SYSTEM.EVENT.* queues can fill a page set.
- Look in joblogs or application logs to see if an error is preventing the getting application from running.
- See if an application is failing to commit its gets or puts. We can tell if there are
uncommitted messages by using the following
Notes:- The display does not show how many messages are uncommitted, and whether they are for gets or puts.
- A message that is subject to an uncommitted MQGET still takes up space on the page set, although the message no longer contributes to the depth of the queue.
- If the getting application is a channel, is the channel starting, and is the channel able to
successfully move messages? Use the
to verify the channel status attributes including STATUS, SUBSTATE, and INDOUBT. - If the messages use an integer in MQMD.EXPIRY, there might be expired messages that need to be
cleaned up. If EXPRYINT is set to OFF in the QMGR definition, the
causes an EXPIRY scan of the queue that matches the name provided in the NAME() field. This command can take some time to process. Issue the commandDISPLAY USAGE PSID(n)
where n is the page set number, at regular intervals, to monitor progress. - Check for any third party products on the system that get involved with EOV or EXTEND processing.
- 034(004):
- End of volume - Non-extended addressable. The new allocation amount would exceed 4 GB.
If the message volume or size requires a larger page set , follow the instructions at Defining a page set to be larger than 4 GB
- 104
- No more volumes are available on which to allocate space (no more candidate volumes).Use the
following commands to add space and switch off the internal
page not expandable
flag:- The TSO ALTER ADDVOLUME command to add space for extents.
You must supply valid syntax, that is, a pageset number and expand value. See ALTER PSID for more information.
- 203
- An extend was attempted, but no secondary space allocation quantity was specified.
- 204
- An extend was attempted, but the maximum number of extents was reached.
The maximum number of extents for a VSAM data set cataloged in an ICF catalog is between 119 and 123, depending upon the number of extents (1-5) allocated by DADSM per allocate/extend request.
- 209
- An extend was attempted, but no space was available on user volume.
- No secondary space quantity was specified and no candidate volumes are available.
We can follow the directions in How to increase the size of a page set as IBM MQ for z/OS® allows you to enable dynamic page set expansion, or add candidate volumes using IDCAMS ALTER ADDVOL.
The data set then needs to be closed and reopened so that the TIOT is rebuilt; otherwise IEC070I 211(8,306)-221 and IGD306I UNEXPECTED ERROR DURING IEFAB4C2 PROCESSING RETURN CODE 24 REASON CODE 0 might occur.
The close can be done without a recycle of the queue manager by using the following JCL://STEP1 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //DSFILE DD DSN=your.dataset.name,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * VERIFY FILE(DSFILE) /*
You might need to run the JCL twice to complete with a non-zero return code. Some flags might not be reset during the first run.
Note: DFP uses up to five non-contiguous areas of disk to satisfy the total space requirements of a primary or secondary extent. This means, in the worst case of badly fragmented disk space, that you might only get around 22 times the secondary space allocated before you reach the maximum space limit.
If you believe that there is sufficient free space that could be used by another secondary extent, contact your IBM support center for assistance.
- CSQP016E
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to expand page set psid dynamically was unsuccessful because the maximum number of extents had been used.
- System action
The page set cannot be extended again. When the messages on the full page set are retrieved, the existing space will be reused.
- System programmer response
Copy the page set to a new page set with larger primary and secondary extents. By defining the page set as a multivolume data set, we can take advantage of the free space on as many disk volumes as possible. See the Plan on z/OS. For more information about page set organization and management, see Managing page sets.
- CSQP017I
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Page set psid is being expanded dynamically, by creating a new extent.
- System action
All threads that are currently adding message to page set psid are suspended until the page set expansion completes (this is indicated by message CSQP013I).
- CSQP018I
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A checkpoint is being taken for all defined buffer pools.
- CSQP019I
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A checkpoint has been successfully taken for buffer pool n.
- CSQP020E
csect-name Buffer pool n is too small
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Contention is taking place for buffers in a buffer pool. Messages will have to be read from and written to the page sets, which increases the time to process an application request and increases the amount of processor time used.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If required, use the ALTER BUFFPOOL command to add more buffers to the buffer pool. Consider first altering other buffer pools to reduce the total number of buffers in use. Refer to the latest CSQY220I message on the z/OS console to see how much virtual storage is free, and hence how many extra buffers may be safely added to a buffer pool. If we do change the number of buffers in the buffer pool, you should also change the DEFINE BUFFPOOL commands in the CSQINP1 initialization input data set used by the queue manager.
Alternatively, specify DEFINE BUFFPOOL(X) REPLACE as this option does not use the log checkpoint record.
If the buffer pool has a LOCATION value of BELOW and there is insufficient storage below the bar then consider moving the buffer above the bar by setting its LOCATION value to ABOVE. This might require altering the value of the MEMLIMIT parameter. For more information, see Address space storage.
- CSQP021I
Page set psid new media recovery RBA=rcvry-rba, checkpoint RBA=chkpt-rba
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
During checkpoint processing, buffers have been flushed from the buffer pools to the indicated page set, establishing a new media recovery RBA. This RBA is the point from which log data would be required to perform media recovery for the page set. It should be the same as the checkpoint RBA.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
If the media recovery and checkpoint RBAs differ, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQP022I
Buffer pool n is not defined
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A command has been issued specifying a buffer pool that is not defined.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
See MQSC commands for information about the command, and reissue the command correctly.
- CSQP023I
Request completed for buffer pool n, now has k buffers
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The size of the specified buffer pool has been successfully changed.
- CSQP024I
Request initiated for buffer pool n
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The request to change the buffer pool has been accepted. One of the messages CSQP023I, CSQP052I, or CSQP053I will be sent to the z/OS console when the change is complete,
- CSQP025I
Page set n is not defined or offline
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A command has been issued specifying a page set that is not available to the queue manager.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
See MQSC commands for information about the command, and reissue the command correctly.
- CSQP026I
Page set n is in use by a storage class
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The page set specified is referenced by a storage class, and so cannot be deleted.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Change or delete all the storage classes that reference the page set, and then reissue the command.
- CSQP027I
Page set n has buffers in use
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The page set specified has buffers that are still in use, and so cannot be deleted.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Wait until three checkpoints have been completed, and then reissue the command.
- CSQP030E
Deallocation failed for data set dsname, error status=eeeeiiii, SMS reason code=ssssssss
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An error occurred when trying to dynamically deallocate the page set data set. Error status is the error reason code returned by z/OS dynamic allocation.
- System action
The page set is deleted and is no longer available for use.
- System programmer response
The error status portion of this message contains a 2-byte error code (eeee, S99ERROR) followed by the 2-byte information code (iiii, S99INFO) from the SVC99 request block. If the S99ERROR code indicates an SMS allocation error ('97xx'), then ssssssss contains additional SMS reason code information obtained from S99ERSN.
Go to the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS MVS™, and select the Interpreting DYNALLOC return codes topic of the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide for information about these codes .
- CSQP031E
Page set n deletion failed
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An error occurred while deleting the specified page set.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
See the preceding error messages for more information about the error.
- CSQP032I
Page set n deletion completed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The specified page set has been successfully deleted.
- CSQP033E
Error deleting page set n, code=rrr
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An error occurred while deleting the specified page set.
- System action
The page set is not deleted, and is still available for use.
- System programmer response
Note the error code and contact your IBM support center.
- CSQP034E
Page set n is already defined
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The specified page set is already in use by the queue manager, and so cannot be dynamically defined.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
See MQSC commands for information about the command, and reissue the command correctly.
- CSQP035E
Allocation failed for data set dsname, error status=eeeeiiii, SMS reason code=ssssssss
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An error occurred when trying to dynamically allocate the page set data set. Error status is the error reason code returned by z/OS dynamic allocation.
- System action
The page set is not defined.
- System programmer response
The error status portion of this message contains a 2-byte error code (eeee, S99ERROR) followed by the 2-byte information code (iiii, S99INFO) from the SVC99 request block. If the S99ERROR code indicates an SMS allocation error ('97xx'), then ssssssss contains additional SMS reason code information obtained from S99ERSN.
Go to the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS MVS, and select the Interpreting DYNALLOC return codes topic of the MVS Authorized Assembler Services Guide for information about these codes .
- CSQP036I
Data set dsname for page set n is not formatted with RECOVER or REPLACE
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The named page set data set was not formatted correctly. A data set that is to be used for adding a page set dynamically must be one that is newly formatted (using TYPE(RECOVER)), or one that has previously been used to hold messages and has been formatted using TYPE(REPLACE).
- System action
The page set is not defined.
- System programmer response
Format the data set as required. If you are adding a previously unused page set to the queue manager, use the FORMAT function of the utility program CSQUTIL, specifying TYPE(RECOVER). If the page set was previously used to hold messages, use the FORMAT function specifying TYPE(REPLACE).
In the latter case, if the queue manager terminated abnormally, the formatting may fail, and message CSQU160E will be issued. It is not possible to add such a page set data set dynamically, but the page set can be brought into use again by including it in the started task JCL procedure xxxxMSTR for the queue manager, and then restarting the queue manager.
- CSQP037E
OPEN failed for page set n, VSAM return code=rc reason code=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A VSAM error occurred when trying to open the page set data set.
- System action
The page set is not defined.
- System programmer response
See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, reissue the request.
- CSQP038E
GET failed for page set n, VSAM return code=rc reason code=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A VSAM error occurred when trying to get a record from the page set data set.
- System action
The page set is not defined.
- System programmer response
See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, reissue the request.
- CSQP039E
CLOSE failed for page set n, VSAM return code=rc reason code=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A VSAM error occurred when trying to close the page set data set.
- System action
The page set is not defined.
- System programmer response
See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, reissue the request.
- CSQP041E
Page set n definition failed
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An error occurred while defining the specified page set.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
See the preceding error messages for more information about the error.
- CSQP042I
Page set n definition completed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The specified page set has been successfully defined.
- CSQP043I
Buffer pool n is in use by a page set
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The buffer pool specified is in use by a page set, and so cannot be deleted.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Change or delete all the page sets that reference the buffer pool, and then reissue the command.
- CSQP045I
Buffer pool n is not in use by any page set
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The buffer pool specified is not in use by any page set, and so cannot have buffers added or removed.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Define at least one page set that references the buffer pool, and then reissue the command, or delete the buffer pool.
- CSQP046I
Request already in progress for buffer pool n
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The buffer pool specified is being altered or deleted by another command.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
Wait until the other command has completed processing, and then reissue the command if appropriate.
- CSQP047E
Unavailable page sets can cause problems - take action to correct this situation
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
One or more page sets are unavailable, as reported in the preceding messages; they are either offline having been used previously, not defined, suspended, or otherwise inaccessible. For example, MQ may have attempted to open a page set at restart, but failed perhaps because it was in use by another application.
This situation can cause problems, so you should take action to correct it as soon as possible.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Use the DISPLAY USAGE command to get a list of the unavailable page sets.
If a previously-used page set is required, bring it online; this can be done without stopping the queue manager. Use the FORMAT function of the utility program CSQUTIL, specifying TYPE(REPLACE). Then issue a DEFINE PSID command to bring the page set back into use. Note that all units of recovery (except those that are indoubt) that involved the offline page set will have been backed out by the queue manager when the page set was last used. These indoubt units of recovery may be resolved once the page set is back in use by the queue manager.
If a page set is not required, issue a DELETE PSID command to remove it. Also remove any DEFINE PSID command for it from the CSQINP1 initialization input data set.
- CSQP048E
PUT failed for page set n, VSAM return code=rc reason code=reason
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A VSAM error occurred when trying to get a record from the page set data set.
- System action
The page set is not defined.
- System programmer response
See the DFSMS/MVS Macro Instructions for Data Sets for information about the return and reason codes from VSAM. If necessary, reissue the request.
- CSQP049I
Data set dsname is formatted for a different page set n
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The page set data set was formatted using TYPE(REPLACE), and as such may contain messages for a specific page set n. It cannot be added dynamically with a different page set identifier.
- System action
The page set is not defined.
- System programmer response
Reissue the command specifying the correct data set and page set. If you intended adding a previously unused page set, reformat the data set with use the FORMAT function of the utility program CSQUTIL, specifying TYPE(RECOVER).
- CSQP051I
Insufficient storage for buffer pool n request
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The size of the specified buffer pool has not been changed as requested because insufficient storage is available.
- System programmer response
The DISPLAY USAGE command can be used to determine the current sizes of all buffer pools defined to the system. It may be possible to reduce the size of other buffer pools, so freeing storage, which can then be assigned to this buffer pool by reissuing the command.
Message CSQY220I shows the storage information. Refer to Managing buffer pools for more information on how to alter your buffer pool.
- CSQP052I
Request partially completed for buffer pool n, now has k buffers
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The size of the specified buffer pool has been changed. The number of buffers is not that requested because, for example, insufficient storage is available.
- CSQP053I
Request completed for buffer pool n, buffers not changed
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The size of the specified buffer pool has not been changed. This could be because the number of buffers requested was the same as the existing size, or because there was insufficient storage available to change the size or location of the buffer pool (as shown by preceding message CSQP051I).
- CSQP054I
Buffer pool n is now located above the bar
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The specified buffer pool has now been moved so that it is located above the bar.
- CSQP055I
Buffer pool n is now located below the bar
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The specified buffer pool has now been moved so that it is located below the bar.
- CSQP056E
The ALTER BUFFPOOL command for buffer pool n has failed
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An unexpected error occurred while processing the ALTER BUFFPOOL command. The buffer pool will be left with the number of buffers that were in it at the time the error occurred.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Use the DISPLAY USAGE PSID(*) command to view the current state of the buffer pool. If necessary reissue the ALTER BUFFPOOL command again.
If any abends have been issued, look at the abend code to see if the error is caused by the queue manager being short of storage. Changing the LOCATION parameter from BELOW to ABOVE for a buffer pool might require you to increase the MEMLIMIT parameter in the JCL of the queue manager stored procedure, xxxxMSTR. For more details, see Address space storage.
If switching a buffer pool from above to below the bar you might need to decrease the number of buffers in the buffer pool.
- CSQP057E
Buffer pool n is suspended because of the current value of OPMODE
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The queue manager was previously running with Version 8.0 new functions enabled with OPMODE when the buffer pool was created. The buffer pool has an ID in the range of 16 to 99. Subsequently, the queue manager has been restarted with the OPMODE parameter changed to disable Version 8.0 new functions.
Buffer pools with an ID greater than 15 are not supported when Version 8.0 new functions are not enabled, because this support is available only from IBM MQ Version 8.0 onwards.
The specified buffer pool is marked as suspended. As a result, any page sets that use this buffer pool are also suspended and message CSQP059E: Page set n is suspended because it uses suspended buffer pool n is issued.
The buffer pool remains suspended and information is kept in checkpoint records until the queue manager is restarted with Version 8.0 new functions enabled. The buffer pool and any page sets that use the buffer pool are no longer suspended.
It is not possible to use the ALTER or DELETE MQSC commands on a suspended buffer pool. Additionally, information about the suspended buffer pool is not available when we use the DISPLAY USAGE PSID command.
- System action
Any page sets that use the specified buffer pool are suspended and message CSQP059E: Page set n is suspended because it uses suspended buffer pool n is issued.
- System programmer response
To use the buffer pool again, restart the queue manager with Version 8.0 new functions enabled with OPMODE.
To remove the buffer pool, set the OPMODE parameter to OPMODE=(NEWFUNC,800), or OPMODE=(NEWFUNC,900), change the DEFINE PSID command in the CSQINP1 initialization input data set to use a different buffer pool. Restart the queue manager, delete the buffer pool, then change the OPMODE parameter back to its previous value and restart the queue manager.
- CSQP058E
Buffer pool n has had its LOCATION forced to BELOW because of the current value of OPMODE
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The queue manager was previously running with Version 8.0 new functions enabled with OPMODE when the buffer pool was created. The buffer pool had the LOCATION attribute set to ABOVE. Subsequently, the queue manager has been restarted with the OPMODE parameter changed to disable Version 8.0 new functions.
Buffer pools with a LOCATION value of ABOVE are not supported when Version 8.0 new functions are not enabled, because this support is available only from IBM MQ Version 8.0 onwards.
The specified buffer pool has had its LOCATION value set to BELOW. Additionally, the number of available buffers in the buffer pool is set to 1000 so that the storage limit below the bar is not exceeded. If the number of buffers in the buffer pool was originally less than 1000, then the number is not changed.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Consider increasing the number of buffers in the specified buffer pool by using the ALTER BUFFPOOL MQSC command.
- CSQP059E
Page set n is suspended because it uses suspended buffer pool n
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The queue manager was previously running with Version 8.0 new functions enabled with OPMODE when the buffer pool was created. The buffer pool has an ID in the range of 16 to 99. Subsequently, the queue manager has been restarted with the OPMODE parameter changed to disable Version 8.0 new functions.
Buffer pools with an ID greater than 15 are not supported when Version 8.0 new functions are not enabled, because this support is available only from IBM MQ Version 8.0 onwards.
The specified buffer pool is marked as suspended. As a result, the specified page set that uses this buffer pool is suspended too.
Information about the suspended page set is kept in checkpoint records until the queue manager is restarted with Version 8.0 new functions enabled. The page set is then no longer suspended. Until the queue manager is restarted with Version 8.0 new functions enabled, any object definitions and messages on the page set are unavailable. An attempt to use a queue or topic that uses the page set results in an MQRC_PAGESET_ERROR message.
Note: We can delete a suspended page set only if the page set has no messages on it.- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Alternatively, bring the page set back online by associating the page set with a new buffer pool. We can do this without stopping the queue manager by using the FORMAT function of the utility program CSQUTIL, specifying TYPE(REPLACE). Issue a DEFINE PSID command to bring the page set back into use. Note: All units of recovery that involved the suspended page set, except those units that are indoubt, were backed out by the queue manager when the page set was last used. Indoubt units of recovery can be resolved when the page set is again in use by the queue manager.We can restart the queue manager with Version 8.0 new functions enabled with OPMODE, to take all buffer pools and associated page sets out of suspend mode.
- CSQP060E
Page set 0 must use one of buffer pools 0 to 15
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
Page set 0 must be defined so that it uses buffer pool 0 to 15.
- System action
Queue manager startup fails.
- System programmer response
Define page set 0 so that it uses buffer pool 0 to 15. Generally, use buffer pool 0.
- CSQP061I
ALTER BUFFPOOL n in progress, elapsed time m minutes
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The ALTER BUFFPOOL command has been issued for the specified buffer pool. If the command takes longer than approximately five minutes to process, this message is output approximately every five minutes until the command is complete.
Once the command is complete one or more of the following messages is output: CSQP023I, CSQP051I, CSQP052I, or CSQP053I.
This message might be output in the following scenarios:- The specified buffer pool has had its LOCATION parameter changed from ABOVE to BELOW
- The specified buffer pool had its LOCATION parameter set to ABOVE and the number of buffers has been reduced by a large number
In most cases the ALTER BUFFPOOL command completes very quickly, and this message is not output. If this message is output, it should not be a cause for concern unless the value of the elapsed time becomes a large value - more than 30 minutes.
- System action
Processing continues.
- System programmer response
Monitor the job log for further output of this message, or a message indicating that the ALTER BUFFPOOL command has completed.
If this message is continually output and the elapsed time grows to a large value (more than 30 minutes) this might indicate a problem, so contact your IBM Service representative.
- CSQP062I
Buffer pool n PAGECLAS changed, restart required to take effect
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The PAGECLAS attribute of the specified buffer pool has changed.
This change does not dynamically affect the type of pages used by the buffer pool, unless the LOCATION attribute is changed from BELOW to ABOVE at the same time. However the change is logged, and is applied when the queue manager is restarted.
- System action
Processing continues. The buffer pool uses the previous value of the PAGECLAS attribute.
- System programmer response
None, unless you require that the new PAGECLAS attribute of the specified buffer pool takes immediate effect.
In this case, either restart the queue manager or perform both of the following steps:- Buffer pool so that its LOCATION attribute is BELOW and its PAGECLAS is 4KB, and
- Change the LOCATION attribute of the buffer pool to ABOVE, at the same time as changing the PAGECLAS attribute.
- CSQP063E
PAGECLAS value must be 4KB if specified with LOCATION(BELOW)
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A buffer pool with a LOCATION value of ABOVE and PAGECLAS attribute that is not 4KB has been altered so that its LOCATION value is BELOW.
The only value of PAGECLAS that is valid with a LOCATION value of BELOW is 4KB.
- System action
The command is ignored.
- System programmer response
In addition to altering the LOCATION attribute to the value BELOW, alter the PAGECLAS attribute to the value 4KB.
- CSQP064I
Buffer pool n definition in CSQINP1 data set used
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
This message is issued at startup when the queue manager reads its log.
A buffer pool has been defined in the CSQINP1 data set, with the REPLACE attribute specified, so the definition for the buffer pool in the log of the queue manager is ignored.
Changes made to the buffer pool, using the ALTER BUFFPOOL command, when the queue manager was previously running have not occurred.
This message is only output if there is a difference between the definition for the buffer pool in the CSQINP1 data set and the log of the queue manager.
- System action
The attribute values for the specified buffer pool are taken from the CSQINP1 data set rather than using the values stored in the log of the queue manager.
- System programmer response
If the buffer pool definition in the CSQINP1 data set is the one you require, ignore the message.
Otherwise:- Use the ALTER BUFFPOOL command to change the definition of the buffer pool, and also change its definition in CSQINP1 to match, or
- Remove the REPLACE attribute on the buffer pool definition in the CSQINP1 data set.
Note, that instead of removing the REPLACE attribute we can specify the NOREPLACE attribute instead.