PubSubMode (MQLONG)
Whether the publish/subscribe engine and the queued publish/subscribe interface are running, therefore allowing applications to publish/subscribe by using the application programming interface and the queues that are being monitored by the queued publish/subscribe interface.
The value is one of the following:
- The publish/subscribe engine is running. It is therefore possible to publish/subscribe by using the application programming interface. The queued publish/subscribe interface is not running, therefore any message that is put to the queues that are monitored by the queued publish/subscribe interface is not acted on. This setting is used for compatibility with WebSphere Message Broker V6 or earlier versions using this queue manager, because it must read the same queues from which the queued publish/subscribe interface normally reads.
- The publish/subscribe engine and the queued publish/subscribe interface are not running. It is therefore not possible to publish/subscribe by using the application programming interface. Any publish/subscribe messages that are put to the queues that are monitored by the queued publish/subscribe interface are not acted on.
- The publish/subscribe engine and the queued publish/subscribe interface are running. It is therefore possible to publish/subscribe by using the application programming interface and the queues that are being monitored by the queued publish/subscribe interface. This is the queue manager's initial default value.
To determine the value of this attribute, use the MQIA_PUBSUB_MODE selector with the MQINQ call.