IntraGroupqueuing (MQLONG)

This attribute applies only if the local queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group. It indicates whether intra-group queuing is enabled for the queue sharing group. The value is one of the following:

    All messages destined for other queue managers in the queue sharing group are transmitted using conventional channels..

    Messages destined for other queue managers in the queue sharing group are transmitted using the shared transmission queue if the following condition is satisfied:

    • The length of the message data plus transmission header does not exceed 63 KB (64 512 bytes).

      It is recommended that somewhat more space than the size of MQXQH be allocated for the transmission header; the constant MQ_MSG_HEADER_LENGTH is provided for this purpose.

    If this condition is not satisfied, the message is transmitted using conventional channels.

    Note: When intra-group queuing is enabled, the order of messages transmitted using the shared transmission queue is not preserved relative to those transmitted using conventional channels.

To determine the value of this attribute, use the MQIA_INTRA_GROUP_queuing selector with the MQINQ call.

This attribute is supported only on z/OSĀ®.