CommandInputQName (MQCHAR48)

This is the name of the command input queue defined on the local queue manager. This is a queue to which users can send commands, if authorized to do so. The name of the queue depends on the environment:

  • On z/OSĀ®, the name of the queue is SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT; MQSC and PCF commands can be sent to it. See The MQSC commands for details of MQSC commands and Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats for details of PCF commands.
  • In all other environments, the name of the queue is SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE, and only PCF commands can be sent to it. However, an MQSC command can be sent to this queue if the MQSC command is enclosed within a PCF command of type MQCMD_ESCAPE. See Escape for information about the Escape command.

To determine the value of this attribute, use the MQCA_COMMAND_INPUT_Q_NAME selector with the MQINQ call. The length of this attribute is given by MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH.