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Asynchronous behavior of CLUSTER commands on z/OS

The command issuer of a cluster command on z/OSĀ® receives confirmation a command has been sent, but not that it has completed successfully.

For both REFRESH CLUSTER and RESET CLUSTER, message CSQM130I is sent to the command issuer indicating that a request has been sent. This message is followed by message CSQ9022I to indicate that the command has completed successfully, in that a request has been sent. It does not indicate that the cluster request has been completed successfully.

Any errors are reported to the z/OS console on the system where the channel initiator is running, they are not sent to the command issuer.

The asynchronous behavior is in contrast to CHANNEL commands. A message indicating that a channel command has been accepted is issued immediately. At some later time, when the command has been completed, a message indicating either normal or abnormal completion is sent to the command issuer.