Queue manager definition commands
Cluster attributes that can be specified on queue manager definition commands.
To specify that a queue manager holds a full repository for a cluster, use the ALTER QMGR command specifying the attribute REPOS( clustername ). To specify a list of several cluster names, define a cluster namelist and then use the attribute REPOSNL( namelist ) on the ALTER QMGR command:DEFINE NAMELIST(CLUSTERLIST) DESCR('List of clusters whose repositories I host') NAMES(CLUS1, CLUS2, CLUS3) ALTER QMGR REPOSNL(CLUSTERLIST)We can provide additional cluster attributes on the ALTER QMGR command
- CLWLEXIT( name )
- Specifies the name of a user exit to be called when a message is put to a cluster queue.
- CLWLDATA( data )
- Specifies the data to be passed to the cluster workload user exit.
- CLWLLEN( length )
- Specifies the maximum amount of message data to be passed to the cluster workload user exit
- CLWLMRUC( channels )
- Specifies the maximum number of outbound cluster channels.
- Specifies the behavior of MQPUT when the target queue has both a local instance and at least one remote cluster instance. If the put originates from a cluster channel, this attribute does not apply. It is possible to specify CLWLUSEQ as both a queue attribute and a queue manager attribute.