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Establishing a TCP connection Using Sysplex Distributor

We can set up Sysplex distributor to use one connection name to connect to the queue sharing group.

  1. Define a Distributed DVIPA address as follows:
    1. Add a DYNAMICXCF statement to the IPCONFIG. This statement is used for inter-image connectivity using dynamically created XCF TCP/IP links.
    2. Use the VIPADYNAMIC block on each image in the Sysplex.
      1. On the owning image, code a VIPADEFINE statement to create the DVIPA Then code a VIPADISTRIBUTE statement to distribute it to all other or selected images.
      2. On the backup image, code a VIPABACKUP statement for the DVIPA address.
  2. If more than one channel initiator will be started on any LPAR in the sysplex then add the SHAREPORT option for the port to be shared in the PORT reservation list in the PROFILE data set.

See z/OSĀ® CS: IP Configuration Guide and z/OS CS: IP Configuration Reference for more information.

Sysplex Distributor balances the inbound connections between each LPAR. If there is more than one channel initiator on an LPAR, then the use of SHAREPORT passes that inbound connection to the listener port with the smallest number of connections.

When we have completed these steps, the TCP connection is established. You are ready to complete the configuration.

Go to IBM MQ for z/OS shared channel configuration.