Use DEFINE QREMOTE to define a new local definition of a remote queue, a queue manager alias, or a reply-to queue alias, and to set its parameters.
A remote queue is one that is owned by another queue manager that application processes connected to this queue manager need to access.
- Syntax diagram
- Usage notes for DEFINE queues
- Parameter descriptions for DEFINE QUEUE and ALTER QUEUE
Synonym: DEF QR
Values shown above the main line in the railroad diagram are the defaults supplied with IBM MQ , but your installation might have changed them. See Syntax diagrams.DEFINE QREMOTE

- 1 Valid only on z/OSĀ® when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.
- 2 Valid only on z/OS.
- 3 Valid only on UNIX, Linux , and Windows.
- 4 Not valid on z/OS.