Deploying a service to CICS Transaction Server to use WebSphere Transport for SOAP

IBM MQ transport for SOAP is integrated into CICSĀ® Transaction Server 4.1 web services support.

Before you begin

Use the same tools to develop for a client or service for IBM MQ, as you would to develop for HTTP. CICS has tools corresponding to Java2wsdl and wsdl2Java:

  • DFHWS2LS takes a web service description as a starting point. It uses the descriptions of the messages, and the data types used in those messages, to construct high-level language data structures. We can use in the structures in application programs written in different languages.
  • DFHLS2WS takes a high-level language data structure as a starting point. It uses the structure to construct a web services description that contains descriptions of messages. It also creates schemas for the messages from the language data structure.

Follow the Creating a web service instructions in the CICS product documentation, to create a web service.

About this task

Follow the instructions, Configure CICS to use the IBM MQ transport in the CICS product documentation. Using the instructions, we can deploy the web service to IBM MQ transport for SOAP.