Deploying a service to Axis 1.4 to use for WebSphere transport for SOAP using amqwdeployWMQService

Deploy an Axis 1.4 service to IBM MQ transport for SOAP by creating a deployment directory, running the amqwdeployWMQService command, and starting the Axis 1.4 listener.

Before you begin

  1. Follow the instructions for installing IBM MQ transport for SOAP
  2. Verify the installation and your environment using the runivt command.
  3. To redeploy a service:
    1. Delete the ./generated subdirectory, and all its subdirectories.
    2. Remove requests from the destination queue and delete it.
    3. Proceed with the instructions from step 2.

About this task

These instructions are to deploy an Axis 1.4 service for the first time. To restart an Axis 1.4 service, rerun the Axis 1.4 SOAP listener: step 11.

Use the following instructions to deploy a new Axis 1.4 service to IBM MQ transport for SOAP:


  1. Create a directory deployDir to hold the deployment files. The deployment utility requires that each service is deployed from a separate directory.
  2. Open a command window on Windows, or a command shell using X Window System on UNIX and Linux systems, in deployDir to run amqwdeployWMQService.
  3. Run amqwsetcp to set the classpath. The JRE and JDK must be in the classpath, at version 5.0 or later, and at the same version level.
  4. Copy the class source,, into deployDir
  5. Copy all the Java source files in the same package as className into deployDir/packageName, where packageName is a directory tree corresponding to the package name.
  6. Run javac packageName. className. You might need to add a path to the current directory . , or to the packageName directory for javac to find the other classes.
  7. Create the Axis WSDL for the service:
    amqwdeployWMQService -f -c genAxisWsdl
    -v -u "jms:/queue?destination=queueName
  8. Create the IBM MQ resources for the service:
    amqwdeployWMQService -f -c genAxisWMQBits
    -v -u  "jms:/queue?destination=queueName

    If you want to set up a new queue manager, and the resources it needs, to do development and testing, run setupWMQSOAP.

    If you want set up the new queue manager as the default, take a copy of setupWMQSOAP from the WMQ installation directory\tools\soap\samples directory, and add the -q parameter to the line

    call :try -q crtmqm %QMGR%
  9. Create the Axis listener and deploy the service:
    amqwdeployWMQService -f -c AxisDeploy
    -v -u "jms:/queue?destination=queueName
  10. If you need to generate the WSDL for the service, generate client stubs, or client proxies, run amqwdeployWMQService with one of the following parameters:

    • genAsmxWsdl
    • genAxisWsdl
    • genProxiesToDotNet
    • genProxiestoAxis
    Note: You must generate WSDL before generating the proxies. The AllAxis option fails if the CLASSPATH is not set up to find all the classes that are imported to compile If there are multiple Java files in the package containing, you must compile them first using javac. amqwdeployWMQService -f packageName. -c CompileJava compiles only
  11. Start the generated Axis listener.