Samples for IBM i

The techniques demonstrated by the sample programs for IBM MQ on IBM i systems.

Table 1 shows the techniques demonstrated by the IBM MQ for IBM i sample programs. Some techniques occur in more than one sample program, but only one program is listed in the table.

Table 1. Sample programs demonstrating use of the MQI (C and COBOL) on IBM i
Technique C (source) ( 1 ) COBOL (source) ( 2 ) RPG (source) ( 3 ) Client (C executable)(4)
Putting messages using the MQPUT call AMQSPUT0 AMQ0PUT4 AMQ3PUT4 AMQSPUTC
Putting messages from a data file using the MQPUT call AMQSPUT4 no sample no sample no sample
Putting a single message using the MQPUT1 call AMQSINQ4, AMQSECH4 AMQ0INQ4, AMQ0ECH4 AMQ3INQ4, AMQ3ECH4 AMQSINQC, AMQSECHC
Putting messages to a distribution list AMQSPTL4 no sample no sample AMQSPTLC
Replying to a request message AMQSINQ4 AMQ0INQ4 AMQ3INQ4 AMQSINQC
Get messages (no wait) AMQSGBR4 AMQ0GBR4 AMQ3GBR4 AMQSGBRC
Get messages (wait with a time limit) AMQSGET4 AMQ0GET4 AMQ3GET4 AMQSGETC
Get messages (unlimited wait) AMQSTRG4 no sample AMQ3TRG4 AMQSTRGC
Get messages (with data conversion) AMQSECH4 AMQ0ECH4 AMQ3ECH4 AMQSECHC
Putting Reference Messages to a queue AMQSPRM4 no sample no sample AMQSPRMC
Get Reference Messages from a queue AMQSGRM4 no sample no sample AMQSGRMC
Reference Message channel exit AMQSQRM4, AMQSXRM4 no sample no sample no Sample
Message exit AMQSCMX4 no sample no sample no Sample
Browsing first 49 characters of a message AMQSGBR4 AMQ0GBR4 AMQ3GBR4 AMQSGBRC
Browsing complete messages AMQSBCG4 no sample no sample AMQSBCGC
Use a shared input queue AMQSINQ4 AMQ0INQ4 AMQ3INQ4 AMQSINQC
Use an exclusive input queue AMQSREQ4 AMQ0REQ4 AMQ3REQ4 AMQSREQC
Use a reply-to queue AMQSREQ4 AMQ0REQ4 AMQ3REQ4 AMQSREQC
Requesting message exceptions AMQSREQ4 AMQ0REQ4 AMQ3REQ4 AMQSREQC
Accepting a truncated message AMQSGBR4 AMQ0GBR4 AMQ3GBR4 AMQSGBRC
Use a resolved queue name AMQSGBR4 AMQ0GBR4 AMQ3GBR4 AMQSGBRC
Triggering a process AMQSTRG4 no sample AMQ3TRG4 AMQSTRGC
Trigger server AMQSERV4 no sample AMQ3SRV4 no sample
Use a trigger server (including CICSĀ® transactions) AMQSERV4 no sample AMQ3SRV4 no sample
Use data conversion AMQSVFC4 no sample no sample no sample
Use API exits AMQSAXE0 no sample no sample no sample
Cluster workload balancing AMQSWLM0 no sample no sample no sample
Putting messages asynchronously and getting status using the MQSTAT call AMQSAPT0 no sample no sample AMQSAPTC
Use the publish/subscribe interface AMQSPUBA, AMQSSUBA, AMQSSBXA no sample no sample AMQSPUBC, AMQSSUBC, AMQSSBXC
Reconnectable clients (5) AMQSPHAC, AMQSGHAC, AMQSMHAC no sample no sample no sample
Use message consumers to asynchronously consume messages from multiple queues (5) AMQSCBFO no sample no sample no sample
Specifying TLS connection information on MQCONNX AMQSSSLC no sample no sample AMQSSSLC
Connecting to the queue manager using MQCONNX AMQSCNXC no sample no sample AMQSCNXC
  1. Source for the C samples is in the file QMQMSAMP/QCSRC. Include files exist as members in the file QMQM/H.
  2. Source for the COBOL samples are in the files QMQMSAMP/QCBLLESRC. The members are named AMQ0 xxx 4, where xxx indicates the sample function.
  3. Source for the RPG samples is in QMQMSAMP/QRPGLESRC. Members are named AMQ3 xxx 4, where xxx indicates the sample function. Copy members exist in QMQM/QRPGLESRC. Each member name has the suffix G.
  4. The executable version of the IBM MQ MQI client samples share the same source as the samples that run in a server environment. Source for the samples in the client environment is same as the server. IBM MQ MQI client samples are linked with client library LIBMQIC and IBM MQ server samples are linked with server library LIBMQM.
  5. If client executable for sample application of Reconnectable client and asynchronously consumer application has to be run, it has to be compiled and linked with threaded library LIBMQIC_R. Hence, it has to be run in threaded environment. Set the environment variable QIBM_MULTI_THREADED to 'Y' and run the application from qsh.

    See Set up IBM MQ with Java and JMS for more information.

In addition to these, the IBM MQ for IBM i sample option includes a sample data file, which we use as input to the sample programs, AMQSDATA and sample CL programs that demonstrate administration tasks. The CL samples are described in the Administer IBM i . You could use the sample CL program amqsamp4 to create queues to use with the sample programs described in this topic.