Set up the IMS adapter

To use IBM MQ within IMS requires the IBM MQ - IMS adapter (generally referred to as the IMS adapter).

This topic tells you how to make the IMS adapter available to your IMS subsystem. If you are not familiar with tailoring an IMS subsystem, see the IMS Knowledge Center.

To make the IMS adapter available to IMS applications, follow these steps:
  1. Define IBM MQ to IMS as an external subsystem using the IMS external subsystem attach facility (ESAF).

    See Defining IBM MQ to IMS.

  2. Include the IBM MQ load library thlqual.SCSQAUTH in the JOBLIB or STEPLIB concatenation in the JCL for your IMS control region and for any dependent region that connects to IBM MQ (if it is not in the LPA or link list). If your JOBLIB or STEPLIB is not authorized, also include it in the DFSESL concatenation after the library containing the IMS modules (usually IMS RESLIB).

    Also include thlqual.SCSQANLx (where x is the language letter).

    If DFSESL is present, then SCSQAUTH and SCSQANLx need to be included in the concatenation or added to LNKLIST. Adding to the STEPLIB or JOBLIB concatenation in the JCL is not sufficient.

  3. Copy the IBM MQ assembler program CSQQDEFV from thlqual.SCSQASMS to a user library.
  4. The supplied program, CSQQDEFV, contains one subsystem name CSQ1 identified as default with an IMS language interface token (LIT) of MQM1. We can retain this name for testing and installation verification.

    For production subsystems, you change the NAME=CSQ1 to your own subsystem name, or use CSQ1. We can add further subsystem definitions as required. See Defining IBM MQ queue managers to the IMS adapter for further information on LITs.

  5. Assemble and link-edit the program to produce the CSQQDEFV load module. For the assembly, include the library thlqual.SCSQMACS in your SYSLIB concatenation; use the link-edit parameter RENT. This is shown in the sample JCL in thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4DEFV).
  6. Include the user library containing the module CSQQDEFV that you created in the JOBLIB or STEPLIB concatenation in the JCL for any dependent region that connects to IBM MQ. Put this library before the SCSQAUTH because SCSQAUTH has a default load module. If we do not do this, you will receive a user 3041 abend from IMS.
  7. If the IMS adapter detects an unexpected IBM MQ error, it issues a z/OS® SNAP dump to DD name CSQSNAP and issues reason code MQRC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR to the application. If the CSQSNAP DD statement was not in the IMS dependent region JCL, no dump is taken. If this happens, you could include the CSQSNAP DD statement in the JCL and rerun the application. However, because some problems might be intermittent, it is recommended that you include the CSQSNAP DD statement to capture the reason for failure at the time it occurs.
  8. If you want to use dynamic IBM MQ calls (described in Dynamically calling the IBM MQ stub ), build the dynamic stub, as shown in Figure 1.
  9. If you want to use the IMS trigger monitor, define the IMS trigger monitor application CSQQTRMN, and perform PSBGEN and ACBGEN. See Set up the IMS trigger monitor.
  10. If you are using RACF® to protect resources in the OPERCMDS class, ensure that the userid associated with your IBM MQ queue manager address space has authority to issue the MODIFY command to any IMS system to which it might connect.
Figure 1. Sample JCL to link-edit the dynamic call stub. This includes the IMS language interface module and the IBM MQ IMS stub CSQQSTUB.
//IMSLIB   DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=ims.reslib
//SYSLMOD  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=private.load¹
//SYSLIN   DD  *
  ALIAS MQCONN,MQCONNX,MQDISC             MQI entry points
  ALIAS MQGET,MQPUT,MQPUT1                MQI entry points
  ALIAS MQOPEN,MQCLOSE                    MQI entry points
  ALIAS MQBACK,MQCMIT                     MQI entry points
  ALIAS CSQBBAK,CSQBCMT                   MQI entry points
  ALIAS MQINQ,MQSET                       MQI entry points
  ALIAS DFSPLI,PLITDLI                    IMS entry points
  ALIAS DFSCOBOL,CBLTDLI                  IMS entry points
  ALIAS DFSFOR,FORTDLI                    IMS entry points
  ALIAS DFSASM,ASMTDLI                    IMS entry points
  ALIAS DFSPASCL,PASTDLI                  IMS entry points
  ALIAS DFHEI01,DFHEI1                    IMS entry points
  ALIAS DFSAIBLI,AIBTDLI                  IMS entry points
  ALIAS DFSESS,DSNWLI,DSNHLI              IMS entry points
  ALIAS MQCRTMH,MQDLTMH,MQDLTMP           IMS entry points
  MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(24)                Note RMODE setting

¹Specify the name of a library accessible to IMS applications that
want to make dynamic calls to IBM MQ.