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Use ARM in an IBM MQ network

We can set up your queue manager so that the channel initiators and associated listeners are started automatically when the queue manager is restarted.

To ensure fully automatic queue manager restart on the same z/OS® image for both LU 6.2 and TCP/IP communication protocols:

For restarting a queue manager with TCP/IP or LU6.2, see

See Task 13: Customize the initialization input data sets for information about the CSQINP2 and CSQINPX data sets.

Restarting on a different z/OS image with TCP/IP

If you are using TCP/IP as your communication protocol, and you are using virtual IP addresses, you can configure these to recover on other z/OS images, allowing channels connecting to that queue manager to reconnect without any changes. Otherwise, you can reallocate a TCP/IP address after moving a queue manager to a different z/OS image only if you are using clusters or if you are connecting to a queue sharing group using a WLM dynamic Domain Name System (DNS) logical group name.

Restarting on a different z/OS image with LU 6.2

If we use only LU 6.2 communication protocols, carry out the following procedure to enable network reconnect after automatic restart of a queue manager on a different z/OS image within the sysplex:

Define your ARM policy so that it restarts the channel initiator only if it fails while its z/OS image stays up; the user ID associated with the XCFAS address space must be authorized to issue the IBM MQ command START CHINIT. Do not restart the channel initiator automatically if its z/OS image also fails, instead use commands in the CSQINP2 and CSQINPX data sets to start the channel initiator and listeners.