Starting and stopping a queue manager is relatively straightforward. When a queue manager stops under normal conditions, its last action is to take a termination checkpoint. This checkpoint, and the logs, give the queue manager the information it needs to restart.
This section contains information about the START and STOP commands, and contains a brief overview of start-up after an abnormal termination has occurred.
Before you start IBM MQ
After we have installed IBM MQ , it is defined as a formal z/OS® subsystem. This message appears during any initial program load (IPL) of z/OS:
From now on, we can start the queue manager for that subsystem from any z/OS console that has been authorized to issue system control commands ; that is, a z/OS SYS command group. You must issue the START command from the authorized console, we cannot issue it through JES or TSO.
If you are using queue sharing groups, you must start RRS first, and then Db2®, before you start the queue manager.
Starting a queue manager
You start a queue manager by issuing a START QMGR command. However, we cannot successfully use the START command unless we have appropriate authority. See the Set up security on z/OS for information about IBM MQ security. Figure 1 shows examples of the START command. (Remember that you must prefix an IBM MQ command with a command prefix string (CPF).)Figure 1. Starting the queue manager from a z/OS console. The second example specifies a system parameter module name.
See START QMGR for information about the syntax of the START QMGR command.
We cannot run the queue manager as a batch job or start it using a z/OS command START. These methods are likely to start an address space for IBM MQ that then ends abnormally. Nor can you start a queue manager from the CSQUTIL utility program or a similar user application.
We can, however, start a queue manager from an APF-authorized program by passing a START QMGR command to the z/OS MGCRE (SVC 34) service.
If you are using queue sharing groups, the associated Db2 systems and RRS must be active when you start the queue manager.
Start options
When you start a queue manager, a system parameter module is loaded. We can specify the name of the system parameter module in one of two ways:
With the PARM parameter of the /cpf START QMGR command, for example
With a parameter in the startup procedure, for example, code the JCL EXEC statement as
A system parameter module provides information specified when the queue manager was customized.
From IBM MQ Version 9.0.3, we can use the
QMGRPROD option to specify the product against which the queue manager usage is
to be recorded, and the AMSPROD option to specify the equivalent for AMS if
that is used. See the MQSC START
QMGR command for details of the permitted values.
We can also use the ENVPARM option to substitute one or more parameters in the JCL procedure for the queue manager.
For example, we can update your queue manager startup procedure, so that the DDname CSQINP2 is a variable. This means that we can change the CSQINP2 DDname without changing the startup procedure. This is useful for implementing changes, providing backouts for operators, and queue manager operations.
Suppose your start-up procedure for queue manager CSQ1 looked like Figure 2.
If you then start your queue manager with the command:
the CSQINP2 used is a member called CSQ1NORM.
However, suppose you are putting a new suite of programs into production so that the next time you start queue manager CSQ1, the CSQINP2 definitions are to be taken from member CSQ1NEW. To do this, you would start the queue manager with this command:
and CSQ1NEW would be used instead of CSQ1NORM. Note: z/OS limits the KEYWORD=value specifications for symbolic parameters (as in INP2=NEW) to 255 characters.
Starting after an abnormal termination
IBM MQ automatically detects whether restart follows a normal shutdown or an abnormal termination.
Starting a queue manager after it ends abnormally is different from starting it after the STOP QMGR command has been issued. After STOP QMGR, the system finishes its work in an orderly way and takes a termination checkpoint before stopping. When you restart the queue manager, it uses information from the system checkpoint and recovery log to determine the system status at shutdown.
However, if the queue manager ends abnormally, it terminates without being able to finish its work or take a termination checkpoint. When you restart a queue manager after an abend, it refreshes its knowledge of its status at termination using information in the log, and notifies you of the status of various tasks. Normally, the restart process resolves all inconsistent states. But, in some cases, you must take specific steps to resolve inconsistencies.
User messages on start-up
When you start a queue manager successfully, the queue manager produces a set of startup messages.
Stop a queue manager
Before stopping a queue manager, all IBM MQ-related write-to-operator-with-reply (WTOR) messages must receive replies, for example, getting log requests. Each command in Figure 3 terminates a running queue manager.
The command STOP QMGR defaults to STOP QMGR MODE(QUIESCE).
In QUIESCE mode, IBM MQ does not allow any new connection threads to be created, but allows existing threads to continue; it terminates only when all threads have ended. Applications can request to be notified in the event of the queue manager quiescing. Therefore, use the QUIESCE mode where possible so that applications that have requested notification have the opportunity to disconnect. See What happens during termination for details.
If the queue manager does not terminate in a reasonable time in response to a STOP QMGR MODE(QUIESCE) command, use the DISPLAY CONN command to determine whether any connection threads exist, and take the necessary steps to terminate the associated applications. If there are no threads, issue a STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) command.
The STOP QMGR MODE(QUIESCE) and STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) commands deregister IBM MQ from the MVS Automatic Restart Manager (ARM), preventing ARM from restarting the queue manager automatically. The STOP QMGR MODE(RESTART) command works in the same way as the STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) command, except that it does not deregister IBM MQ from ARM. This means that the queue manager is eligible for immediate automatic restart.
If the IBM MQ subsystem is not registered with ARM, the STOP QMGR MODE(RESTART) command is rejected and the following message is sent to the z/OS console:
CSQY205I ARM element arm-element is not registered
Only cancel the queue manager address space if STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE) does not terminate the queue manager.
If a queue manager is stopped by either canceling the address space or by using the command STOP QMGR MODE(FORCE), consistency is maintained with connected CICS® or IMS systems. Resynchronization of resources is started when a queue manager restarts and is completed when the connection to the CICS or IMS system is established.
Note: When you stop your queue manager, you might find message IEF352I is issued. z/OS issues this message if it detects that failing to mark the address space as unusable would lead to an integrity exposure. We can ignore this message.
Stop messages
After issuing a STOP QMGR command, you get the messages CSQY009I and CSQY002I, for example: