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Configure an OpenID Relying Party in the Liberty profile

We can configure a Liberty profile server to function as an OpenID Relying Party to take advantage of web single-sign-on.

We must have at least one OpenID Provider (OP) that is trusted with authenticating users. Several third-party OpenID Providers are available.

We can have users authenticated with an OpenID Provider by enabling the openid-2.0 feature of the Liberty profile in addition to other optional configuration information.

  1. Add the openid-2.0 Liberty feature to server.xml. Add the following element declaration inside the featureManager element in server.xml:


  2. Update server.xml with the OpenID Relying Party configuration options specified by an <openId> element.

    We can either predefine an OpenID provider URL in server.xml using the providerIdentifier attribute of the <openId> element, or we can package your application with FormLogin which gives users an option to submit an OpenID provider URL to use for authentication.

    If the providerIdentifier attribute is added to server.xml, the Liberty profile server will automatically redirect users to the OpenID provider specified by that attribute. If the providerIdentifier attribute is not defined in server.xml, the Liberty profile server will first send a login form to ask the user to select or confirm an OpenID provider prior to redirecting the user to the OpenID provider.

    The following is a sample OpenID configuration that defines an OpenID provider:

    <openId id="myOpenId" providerIdentifier="https://openid.acme.com/op" userInfoRef="email">
      <userInfo id="email" alias="email" uriType="http://axschema.org/contact/email" count="1"  required="true" />

    Add the openid-2.0 feature automatically enforces a certain minimum configuration. Consequently, there is no <openId> element that is required to be explicitly specified in server.xml. Without an <openId> element specified, the following configuration is implicit:

    <openId id="myOpenId" userInfoRef="email">
      <userInfo id="email" alias="email" uriType="http://axschema.org/contact/email" count="1"  required="true" />

    By default, the user's email address that is returned from the OpenID Provider is used for identity assertion and subject creation.

  3. Configure the server's truststore to include the signer certificates of the OpenID Providers supported. For information about keystores, see Enable SSL communication .

    1. Extract the signer certificate from the OpenID Provider. Most major web browsers provide support for extracting or exporting certificates from websites through the browser interface.

    2. Import the OpenID Provider certificate to the server's truststore. For one method of importing certificates into a truststore, see the -import flag capabilities of the keytool utility found in the Java installation directory.

    3. Use the sslRef attribute of the <openId> element to point to the SSL configuration. If no sslRef attribute is specified, the default SSL configuration described in the keystore page mentioned previously will be used. Your SSL configuration should include the appropriate references to the truststore containing the imported OpenID Provider certificates.

Parent topic: Authenticate users



  • Authentication


    Configure a custom form login page