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Customize an application login to perform an identity assertion using JAAS

We can use the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) login framework to create a JAAS login configuration that can be used to perform login to an identity assertion on the Liberty profile.

By configuring identity assertion with trust validation, an application can use the JAAS login configuration to perform a programmatic identity assertion. See IdentityAssertionLoginModule for more detail.
Avoid trouble: There are several security configuration examples on the WASdev.net website for reference when configuring security for the applications on the Liberty profile. See Configure JAAS on the Liberty profile using developer tools.

  1. Delegate trust validation to a user-implemented plug-in point.

    Trust validation is accomplished by a custom login module. This custom login module performs any trust validation required, then sets the trust and identity information in the shared state to be passed on to the identity assertion login module. A map is required in the following shared state key:


    If the state is missing then a WSLoginFailedException problem is reported by the IdentityAssertionLoginModule class.

    The map in the shared state key must include a trust key with the following key name:


    If this key is set to true, then trust is established. If the key is set to false, then no trust is established and IdentityAssertionLoginModule class creates a WSLoginFailedException problem.

    The map in the shared state key must also set one of the following resources:

    • An identity key. A java.security.Principal can be set in the following key:


    • A java.security.cert.X509Certificate[]. This certificate can be set in the following key:


    If both a principal and certificate are supplied, then the principal is used and a warning is reported.

  2. Create a JAAS configuration for application logins. The JAAS configuration will contain the user-implemented trust validation custom login module and IdentityAssertionLoginModule class. Then to configure an application login configuration, add the following code in server.xml:
    <jaasLoginContextEntry id="CustomIdentityAssertion" name="CustomIdentityAssertion" 
                           loginModuleRef="customIdentityAssertion,identityAssertion" />
    <jaasLoginModule id="customIdentityAssertion" 
                     controlFlag="REQUIRED" libraryRef="customLoginLib"/>
     <library id="customLoginLib">
        <fileset dir="${server.config.dir}" includes="IdentityAssertionLoginModule.jar"/>     
    This JAAS configuration is used by the application to perform an identity assertion.

  3. Perform the programmable identity assertion. A program can now use the JAAS login configuration to perform a programmatic identity assertion. The application program can create a login context for the JAAS configuration created in step 2, then log in to that login context with the identity that would assert to. If the login is successful then that identity can be set in the current running process. The following example illustrates this process:
    NameCallback handler = new NameCallback(new MyPrincipal("Joe"));
    LoginContext lc = new LoginContext("customIdentityAssertion", handler);
    lc.login();  //assume successful
    Subject s = lc.getSubject();
    // From here on , the runas identity is "Joe"

    The MyPrincipal class is the implementation of the java.security.Principal interface in the example.


Use the JAAS login framework and two user-implemented login modules, we can create a JAAS login configuration that can be used to log in to an identity assertion.

Parent topic: Develop extensions to the Liberty profile security infrastructure