Remove applications in silent mode
Silently remove applications from your deployment of IBM Connections.
Before starting
Create a response file for the modification task by running a simulated modification. For more information, see the Create a response file topic.Instead of generating a new response file, you can edit the default response file that is provided with the product. If you use the default response file, you need to add a encrypted password to the file:
- Open a command prompt and change to the <Lotus_Connections_setup>/LLotus_Connections_install/IM/<OS> directory, where <OS> is your operating system.
- Run the following command:
- AIX or Linux™: IBMIM -silent -noSplash -encryptString <Password>
- Windows™: IBMIMc.exe -silent -noSplash -encryptString <Password>
where <Password> is your password.
- Add the encrypted password to the relevant line in the LC_modify_remove.rsp response file. You usually need to enter passwords for both the WAS administrator and the database user. For example:
<data key='user.activities.adminuser.password' value='<encrypted_password>'/>
<data key='user.activities.dbUserPassword value='<encrypted_password>'/>
where <encrypted_password> is the value generated by the command.
You might also need to change the default WAS administrator name from wasadmin, if different from your administrator name.
- Repeat these steps for each unique password.
About this task
A silent modification uses a response file to automate the removal of applications from your deployment.Note: To change the paths to the response file and log file, edit the|bat file.
To perform a silent modification...
- Open a command prompt and change to the IM_root directory.
- Run the following command:
- AIX or Linux: ./IBMIM --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input lotus_connections_root/silentResponseFile/LC_modify_remove_linux.rsp -log ./uninstall.log
- Windows: .\IBMIMc.exe --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input lotus_connections_root\silentResponseFile\LC_modify_remove.rsp -log .\modifyRemove.log
What to do next
Check the uninstall.log file for errors and repeat this task if necessary.
Parent topic
Modifying the installation in silent mode
Related tasks
Create a response file