Integrate with SiteMinder and Tivoli Access Manager
If you have enabled IBM Connections to use Computer Associates' SiteMinder or IBM Tivoli Access Manager for user authentication and single sign-on (SSO), and you have configured your deployment for integration with Lotus Quickr , you need to manually edit the communities-quickr-config.xml configuration file to disable the use of SSO. SSO must also be disabled when using SPNEGO; otherwise the Lotus connectors will not function properly.
Before starting
When integrating Lotus Quickr with IBM Connections, note that perform additional steps to secure Lotus Quickr when Tivoli Access Manager is enabled. For more information, go to the following web page:![]()
To disable SSO for Lotus Quickr...
- Use a text editor to open communities-quickr-config.xml from the following subdirectory on the file system of the dmgr.
- Set the <comm:useSSO> element to false as follows:
- Save your changes and then apply them...
- Log in to the WAS Integrated Solutions Console for the dmgr.
- Select System administration -> Nodes, select All nodes, and then click Full Resynchronize.
- From the main Integrated Solutions Console page, select Servers -> Clusters.
- Select the check box beside the cluster containing the nodes that have been updated, and then click Stop.
- Select the cluster and click Start.
Parent topic
IBM Connections Connector for Lotus Quickr
Related tasks
Enable single sign-on for SiteMinder
Enable single sign-on for Lotus Quickr