Browsing or searching for communities
You can browse or search for communities that are of interest to you.
About this task
You can use a number of ways to find communities that interest you and connect with them. For example, you can browse to see what communities are available, or you can search on particular keywords.Tags are a handy way to search or browse for a community. For example, if you are interested in photography, search for a photography tag to find all communities that use that tag. When you're creating a community, remember to include relevant tags to indicate the purpose of the community and make it easier for others to find.
- You can browse or search for a community in the following ways.
- To browse for a community:
- Click the Public Communities tab to display all the public communities in your organization, or click the My Communities tab and use the options available from the left navigation bar to display the communities to which you belong, the communities that you own, and the communities that you are following.
You can view a description of each community, the number of members it has, the date it was last updated, the name of the person who last updated it, and the tags associated with the community.
- Use the Sort by options to order the list alphabetically, by the most popular communities, or by the most recently updated.
- To search for a keyword that displays in a community's name, description, or tags:
- Enter a word that you want to search for in the Search field at the top of the page.
- Specify whether you want to search all communities or your own communities by clicking the Down arrow and making a selection.
- Click the search
icon. icon.
- To search for a community by tags:
- Click a tag in the tag cloud below the navigation pane to find communities that use that tag.
- Find a community in the view that interests you. Then, to find other communities that use that tag, click one of the tags associated with the community in the tag list that is displayed below the community description.
- For any community, you can:
- Click the name of the last person who updated the community to view a list of all the public communities to which that person belongs, or hover your cursor over the person's name and click the link to view their business card.
- Click the community name to open its Overview page.
Parent topic
Communities overviews, how-tos, and FAQs