Activity Streams mapping to IBM Connections events 

Mapping of IBM Connections events to Activity Streams formatting.

Attention: The event information provided here is specific to version 3.0.1 of IBM Connections. Changes to your application may be required to maintain equivalent functionality when integrating with a future release.

Events in each IBM Connections application are mapped to the Activity Stream format:

Table 1. Activities event mappings

Event Verb Object Target News story text
activity.created post article
{actor} created a new activity named {activityContainerName}
activity.entry.created post article article {actor} created the {activityEntry} entry in the {activityContainerName} activity
activity.entry.updated update article article {actor} updated the {activityEntry} entry in the {activityContainerName} activity
activity.todo.created post article article {actor} created a to-do item named {toDoEntry} in the {activityContainerName} activity post article article {actor} assigned you a to-do item named {toDoEntry} in the {activityContainerName} activity
activity.todo.created.their post article article {actor} assigned themselves to-do item named {toDoEntry} in the {activityContainerName} activity
activity.todo.completed update article article {actor} completed the {toDoEntry} to-do item in the {activityContainerName} activity update article article {actor} completed your {toDoEntry} to-do item in the {activityContainerName} activity
activity.todo.completed.their update article article {actor} completed their own {toDoEntry} to-do item in the {activityContainerName} activity
activity.reply.created post comment article {actor} commented on the {activityEntryWithComment} entry in the {activityContainerName} activity post comment article {actor} commented on your {activityEntryWithComment} entry in the {activityContainerName} activity
activity.reply.created.their post comment article {actor} commented on their own {activityEntryWithComment} entry in the {activityContainerName} activity
activity.membership.updated share article
{actor} created a public activity named {activityContainerNameACL}
activity.visibility.updated share article
{actor} added {newMember} to the {activityContainerNameACL} activity

Table 2. Blogs event mappings

Event Verb Object Target News story text
blog.created post service
{actor} created a new blog named {newBlogContainer} post service
A new {newBlogContainer} community blog was created
blog.entry.created post article service {actor} created a new blog entry named {blogEntry} in the {blogContainerName} blog
blog.entry.updated update article service {actor} updated the {blogEntry} blog entry in the {blogContainerName} blog update article service {actor} updated your {blogEntry} blog entry in the {blogContainerName} blog
blog.entry.recommended like article service {actor} recommended the {blogEntry} blog entry made by {subject} in the {blogContainerName} blog like article service {actor} recommended the {blogEntry} blog entry made by you in the {blogContainerName} blog
blog.entry.recommended.their like article service {actor} recommended their own {blogEntry} blog entry in the {blogContainerName} blog
blog.comment.created post comment service {actor} commented on the {blogEntry} blog entry in the {blogContainerName} blog post comment service {actor} commented on your {blogEntry} blog entry in the {blogContainerName} blog
blog.comment.created.their post comment service {actor} commented on their own {blogEntry} blog entry in the {blogContainerName} blog
blog.trackback.created follow article service A trackback was left on the {blogEntry} blog entry in the {blogContainerName} blog follow article service A trackback was left on your {blogEntry} blog entry in the {blogContainerName} blog
blog.trackback.created.their follow article service {actor} left a trackback on their own {blogEntry} blog entry in the {blogContainerName} blog
blog.comment.recommended like article
{actor} recommended the comment on {blogCorrelationName} made by {subject} like article
{actor} recommended your comment on {blogCorrelationName}
blog.comment.recommended.their like article
{actor} recommended their own comment on {blogCorrelationName}
blog.comment.recommended.multiple like article
{actor} recommended the comment on {blogCorrelationName} made by {subject} and {0} others

Table 3. Communities event mappings

Event Verb Object Target News story text
community.created post group
{actor} created a new community named {newCommunityContainer}
community.subcommunity.created post group
{actor} created a new subcommunity named {newCommunityContainer}
community.bookmark.created post bookmark group {actor} added the {communityBookmarkEntryName} bookmark to the {communityContainerName} community
community.feed.created post article group {actor} added the {feedEntryName} feed to the {communityContainerName} community
community.membership.updated share group
{actor} added you to the {communityContainerName} community

Table 4. Bookmarks event mappings

Event Verb Object Target News story text
dogear.bookmark.added post bookmark
{actor} created a new bookmark named {dogearBookmarkEntry}
dogear.person.watched favorite person
{actor} added {subject} to their Bookmarks watchlist favorite person
{actor} added you to their Bookmarks watchlist
dogear.person.watched.their favorite person
{actor} added {subject} and {N} others to their Bookmarks watchlist
dogear.tag.watched favorite note
{actor} added the following tag to their Bookmarks watchlist: {tag}

Table 5. Files event mappings

Event Verb Object Target News story text
files.file.created post file
{actor} created the file {fileEntry}
files.file.share.created share file
{actor} shared the file {fileEntry} share file
{actor} shared {fileEntry} with you
files.file.updated update file
{actor} edited the file {fileEntry}
files.file.tag.added tag note file {actor} tagged the file {fileEntry} with {tag}
files.file.tag.added.multiple tag note file {actor} tagged the file {fileEntry} with {tag} and {N} others
files.file.recommended like file
{actor} recommended the file {fileEntry}
files.file.recommend.created like file
{actor} recommended the file {fileEntry} like file
{actor} recommended your file {fileEntry} like file
{actor} recommended your file {fileEntry}
files.file.comment.created post comment file {actor} commented on the file {blogCorrelationName} post comment file {actor} commented on your file {blogCorrelationName}
files.file.comment.created.their post comment file {actor} commented on their own file {blogCorrelationName}
files.collection.created post folder
{actor} created the folder {collectionContainer}
files.collection.updated update folder
{actor} edited the folder {collectionContainer}
files.collection.shared share folder
{actor} shared {collectionContainer} share folder
{actor} shared {collectionContainer} with you
files.collection.accesscontrol.updated share folder
{actor} gave you access to the {collectionContainer} collection
files.collection.file.added post file folder {actor} added the file {fileEntry} to the folder {collectionContainer} post file folder {actor} added the file {fileEntry} to your folder {collectionContainer} share file group {actor} shared the file {fileEntry} with the community {collectionContainer} share file group {actor} added the file {fileEntry} to the community {collectionContainer}

Table 6. Forums event mappings

Event Verb Object Target News story text
forum.created post service
{actor} created the {communityContainerName} forum
forum.updated update service
{actor} updated the {communityContainerName} forum
forum.topic.created post article service {actor} created a new topic named {topicEntryName} in the {communityContainerName} forum
forum.topic.reply.created post article service {actor} replied to {subject} about the {topicEntryName} topic in the {communityContainerName} forum post article service {actor} replied to you about the {topicEntryName} topic in the {communityContainerName} forum
forum.topic.reply.created.their post article service {actor} replied to their own {topicEntryName} topic in the {communityContainerName} forum

Table 7. Profiles event mappings

Event Verb Object Target News story text
profiles.person.selftagged tag note person {actorProfiles} tagged themselves with {tag}
profiles.person.tagged tag note person {actorProfiles} tagged {subject} with {tag} tag note person {actorProfiles} tagged you with {tag}
profiles.person.tagged.multiple tag note person {actorProfiles} tagged {subject} and {0} others with {tag} update person
{actor} changed their name to {actorNew} update person
{actorProfiles} updated their profile picture
profiles.colleague.added make friend person
{actorProfiles} accepted a network invitation from {subject} make friend person
{actorProfiles} accepted your network invitation
profiles.colleague.accepted make friend person
{actorProfiles} added {subject} to their network make friend person
{actorProfiles} added you to their network
profiles.person.followed follow person
{actorProfiles} followed {subject} follow person
{actorProfiles} followed you
profiles.person.reportto.updated favorite person
{actorProfiles} now reports to {subject} favorite person
{actorProfiles} now reports to you favorite person
{actorProfiles} added a related link to their profile: {profileLinkEntry}
profiles.person.about.updated update note
{actorProfiles} updated their profile information
profiles.wallpost.created post note person {actorProfiles} wrote on the board of {subject} post note person {actorProfiles} wrote on your board
profiles.wallpost.created.their post note person {actorProfiles} wrote on their own board
profiles.wallpost.created.multiple post note person {actorProfiles} wrote on the boards of {subject} and {0} others
profiles.wall.comment.added post comment person {actorProfiles} commented on {subject}'s board entry post comment person {actorProfiles} commented on your board entry
profiles.wall.comment.added.their post comment person {actorProfiles} commented on their own board entry
profiles.status.updated post status
{actorProfiles} {profileStatusEntry}

Table 8. Wikis event mappings

Event Verb Object Target News story text
wiki.library.created post service
{actor} created a new wiki named {wikiContainerName} post service
A new {wikiContainerName} community wiki was created
wiki.library.deleted update service
{actor} deleted the wiki named {wikiContainerName} post article service {actor} created a new wiki page titled {wikiEntryPage} in the {wikiContainerName} wiki update article service {actor} edited the wiki page {wikiEntryPage} in the {wikiContainerName} wiki save article service {actor} deleted the wiki page titled {wikiEntryPage} in the {wikiContainerName} wiki tag note article {actor} tagged the wiki page {wikiEntryPage} with {tag} in the {wikiContainerName} wiki tag note article {actor} tagged the wiki page {wikiEntryPage} with {tag} and {N} others in the {wikiContainerName} wiki like article service {actor} recommended the wiki page {wikiEntryPage} in the {wikiContainerName} wiki post comment service {actor} commented on the wiki page {wikiEntryPageCommented} in the {wikiContainerName} wiki
wiki.accesscontrol.updated share service
{actor} gave you access to {newWikiContainer}

Parent topic

Activity Streams extensions to News repository feeds


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