

Verifying search seedlists

Use your browser to verify that the search seedlists for the services in your deployment are working as expected. If you are seeing problems in the log file, accessing the seedlist in the browser can help to narrow down the root cause of the problems.

By viewing the seedlist using your browser, you can check that a specified IBM Lotus Connections service is running and that the seedlist generation is working correctly. You can also verify that you have set the correct credentials in IBM WebSphere Application Server.

To verify that the seedlist for a specific service is working correctly...

  1. Open a browser window and enter the following Web address:


    For example:


    The URL for the Communities discussion forums seedlist is: https://server_name/communities/seedlist/forum/myserver

  2. Enter the user name and password configured for the connectionsAdmin J2C alias, and then click OK.



When the seedlist for the specified service is working correctly and you have entered valid credentials, an XML page containing information about the seedlist is displayed.

Resolving a problem


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