Tips for LDAP Users
The lessons in the LDAP trail provide details on the mapping between the LDAP and the JNDI. They also give hints and tips for accessing the LDAP service through the JNDI.The Comparison of the LDAP and JNDI Models lesson gives an overview of the LDAP and describes the differences and similarities between the JNDI and the LDAP.
The Security lesson shows how to use different security authentication mechanisms and SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to access the LDAP service.
The Miscellaneous lesson shows how to perform various tasks such as reading nonstring attributes and dealing with LDAP aliases and URLs.
The Searches lesson explains search filters in more detail. It also explains how the LDAP "compare" operation relates to the JNDI search methods and how the LDAP "search" operation is related to other JNDI methods.
The Referrals lesson explains how LDAP referrals work and how you can use them from within the JNDI.
The Schema lesson describes schema information that is available from the LDAP and how it can be accessed from the JNDI.
The Controls and Extensions lesson describes how to use LDAP controls and extensions.
The Frequently Asked Questions lesson answers many of the questions that you might have when using the JNDI to access the LDAP service.
Before you go on: The Preparations lesson described how to set up the software required to use the JNDI to run the examples in this tutorial. The Directory Operations lesson explained how to set the Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY and Context.PROVIDER_URL environment properties to contact the LDAP server that you are using.This trail contains more LDAP-specific examples and requires that additional data be added to the LDAP server (such as for setting up aliases and referrals). To do this, add the entries found in ldaptrail.ldif to the LDAP server that you set up according to the Preparations lesson. This task is typically performed by the directory server's administrator.