IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Upgrade from ITCAM for WebSphere 6.1 on z/OS

You can upgrade from ITCAM for WebSphere 6.1 to ITCAM for Application Diagnostics 7.1 on z/OS, preserving any customized configuration.

ITCAM for WebSphere 6.1 on z/OS includes the data collector and the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent.

The data collector communicates with the Managing Server that is installed on a Windows, Linux, or UNIX system. It can also communicate with the monitoring agent installed on the same z/OS system. It does not typically communicate with a Monitoring Agent installed elsewhere.

You must complete the upgrade in the following order:

  1. Upgrade the Managing Server. See Upgrade from ITCAM for WebSphere 6.1 and ITCAM for J2EE 6.1 on Windows, Linux and UNIX systems.

  2. If the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent is used, upgrade IBM Tivoli Monitoring to 6.2.2 or a later version.

  3. If the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent is used, install new support files on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Servers, on all Tivoli Enterprise Portal Servers, and on all Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop clients. Monitoring with the older Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent continues after this step.

  4. If the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent is used, install the new Monitoring Agent. For data collectors that were not updated to 6.1 fix pack 4, Tivoli Monitoring stops at this point. Performance of the application servers is not affected.

  5. Install the new data collector, and create new configuration home directories to match the existing ones. This installation makes the new data collector available; however, all application server instances are still monitored by the older data collector at this point.

  6. Use new data collector configuration scripts, upgrade the monitoring of each application server instance to the new data collector. For data collectors that were not updated to 6.1 fix pack 4, this step is required to reenable Tivoli Monitoring monitoring. For 6.1 fix pack 4 or later data collectors, monitoring is not interrupted, so you can perform the upgrade at a convenient time. The upgrade involves restarting the application server instance.

For more information on upgrading ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications on z/OS systems, see ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications Installation Guide for z/OS. The upgrade procedure is outlined in the Worksheets chapter.

Parent topic:

Plan an upgrade installation


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