Examples: Use response files to install, update, modify, roll back and uninstall software
Use response files with Windows
In this example, we install productA using the option...
-skipInstall agentDataLocation
We use C:\temp\productA for the agentDataLocation, and record each action using a different response file. Computer A is used to record the response file. Install the product on Computer B.
Windows does not support using the IBMIM command for silent installation. Use the IBMIMc command for silent installation.
Install with response files
Using response files to install software on Windows computers.
Installation Manager must be installed to record a response file.
- Install Installation Manager on Computer A.
- Put the installation files for Product A in a repository location accessible to both Computer A and B.
- Record a response file that installs Product A. From Computer A run...
- cd eclipse
IBMIM.exe -record C:\response_files\install_productA.xml -skipInstall C:\temp\productAInstallation Manager opens.
- Set the location of the repository in the repository table, click...
File | Preferences | Repositories
If your product has an update, you can install either the product or the product update. Add the repositories into the repository table. In this example, you would add the repositories for Product A versions 1.0 and 1.0.1. In the Install wizard, select either versions to install.
- Click Install, and follow the instructions in the Install wizard.
- After the installation is complete, click Finish.
- Close Installation Manager to finish the recording of the response file.
- To install Installation Manager at the same time that you install Product A, modify the response file.
- Copy the install_productA.xml response file from Computer A to the C:\response_files directory on Computer B.
- Install Product A on Computer B
cd eclipse\tools, then run...
Installation Manager Command Installed imcl.exe input C:\response_files\install_productA.xml -acceptLicense Not installed installc.exe input C:\response_files\install_productA.xml -acceptLicense Starting with version 1.4.3:
Use -acceptLicense in the command.
Do not use --launcher.ini as this command option has been deprecated.
Include quotation marks around filepaths that have spaces.
Update with response files
Using response files to update software on Windows computers.
- For computers that do not have access to IBM.com or have the offering.service.repositories.areUsed preference set to false, you must download updates from ibm.com. Extract the update files to a location that Computer A can access. If you have the Search service repositories during installation and updates and Search for Installation Manager updates preferences enabled, updates are shown in Installation Manager when you record the response file.
- On Computer A, go to the eclipse directory.
- Record updates to Product A in a new response file, run...
IBMIM.exe -record C:\response_files\update_productA.xml -skipInstall C:\temp\productA.
- In this example, a new response file is specified to record the update. You can specify the same response file name, install_productA.xml, that you used to record the installation. If you do specify the same response file, the response file is overwritten with the update information.
- If you downloaded the update, go to File > Preferences > Repositories, and add the location of the repository in the repository table.
Installation Manager opens.
- Click Update and follow the instructions in the Update wizard.
- Click Finish.
- Close Installation Manager to finish the recording of the response file.
- Copy the update_productA.xml response file to the C:\response_files directory on Computer B.
- Update Product A on Computer B
- cd eclipse\tools and run...
Installation Manager Command Installed imcl.exe input C:\response_files\update_productA.xml -acceptLicense Not installed installc.exe input c:\response_files\update_productA.xml -acceptLicense Do not use --launcher.ini .ini file as this command option has been deprecated.
Include quotation marks around filepaths that have spaces.
Modify with response files
Using response files to modify software on Windows computers.
- On Computer A, go to the eclipse directory.
- Record modifications to Product A in a new response file, run...
IBMIM.exe -record C:\response_files\modify_productA.xml -skipInstall C:\temp\productA.
In this example, a new response file is specified to record the modification. You can specify an existing response file name. If you do specify an existing response file, the response file is overwritten with the modify information. Installation Manager opens.
- Click Modify and follow the instructions in the Modify wizard.
- Click Finish.
- Close Installation Manager to finish the recording of the response file.
- Copy modify_productA.xml to the C:\response_files directory on Computer B.
- Modify Product A on Computer B
cd eclipse\tools and run...
Installation Manager Command Installed imcl.exe input C:\response_files\modify_productA.xml Not installed installc.exe input C:\response_files\modify_productA.xml Starting with version 1.4.3, do not use --launcher.ini .ini file as this command option has been deprecated.
Include quotation marks around filepaths that have spaces.
Rolling back with response files
Using response files to roll back software on Windows computers.
- On Computer A, go to the eclipse directory.
- Record a rollback to Product A in a new response file, run...
IBMIM.exe -record C:\response_files\rollback_productA.xml -skipInstall C:\temp\productA.
In this example, a new response file is specified to record the rollback. You can specify an existing response file name. If you specify an existing response file, the response file is overwritten with the rollback information. Installation Manager opens.
- Click Roll Back and follow the instructions in the Roll Back wizard.
- Click Finish.
- Close Installation Manager to finish the recording of the response file.
- Copy rollback_productA.xml to the C:\response_files directory on Computer B.
- Roll back an update to Product A on Computer B
cd eclipse\tools and run...
Installation Manager Command Installed imcl.exe input C:\response_files\rollback_productA.xml Not installed installc.exe input C:\response_files\rollback_productA.xml Starting with version 1.4.3, do not use --launcher.ini .ini file as this command option has been deprecated.
Include quotation marks around filepaths that have spaces.
Uninstall with response files
Using response files to uninstall software on Windows computers.
- On Computer A go to the eclipse directory.
- Record an uninstall of Product A in a new response file, run...
IBMIM.exe -record C:\response_files\uninstall_productA.xml -skipInstall c:\temp\productA.
In this example, a new response file is specified to record the uninstall. You can specify an existing response file name. If you specify an existing response file, the response file is overwritten with the uninstall information. Installation Manager opens.
- Click Uninstall and follow the instructions in the Uninstall wizard.
- Click Finish.
- Close Installation Manager to finish the recording of the response file.
- To uninstall Product A, copy uninstall_productA.xml to the C:\response_files directory on Computer B.
- Uninstall Product A from Computer B
cd eclipse\tools and run...
Installation Manager Command Installed imcl.exe input C:\response_files\uninstall_productA.xml Not installed installc.exe input c:\response_files\uninstall_productA.xml Starting with version 1.4.3, do not use --launcher.ini .ini file as this command option has been deprecated.
Include quotation marks around filepaths that have spaces.
Use response files with Linux and UNIX
In this example, we install productA using the option...
-skipInstall agentDataLocation
We use /tmp/productA for the agentDataLocation, and record each change using a different response file.
Installation Manager must be installed to record a response file.
Install with response files
Using response files to install software on Linux and UNIX computers.
- Install Installation Manager on Computer A.
- Put the installation files for Product A in a repository location accessible to both Computer A and B.
- On Compter A, record a response file that installs Product A.
cd eclipse
./IBMIM -record /path/to/install_productA.xml -skipInstall /tmp/productAInstallation Manager opens.
- Set the location of the repository in the repository table, by clicking...
File | Preferences | Repositories
If your product has an update, you can install either the product or the product update. Add the repositories into the repository table. In this example, you would add the repositories for Product A versions 1.0 and 1.0.1. In the Install wizard, select either versions to install.
- Click Install and follow the instructions in the Install wizard.
- After the installation is complete, click Finish.
- Close Installation Manager to finish the recording of the response file.
- To install Installation Manager at the same time that you install Product A, modify the response file.
- Copy the install_productA.xml response file to the /response_files directory on Computer B.
- To install Product A on Computer B
cd eclipse\tools and run...
Installation Manager Command Installed ./imcl input /path/to/install_productA.xml -acceptLicense Not installed ./installc input /path/to/install_productA.xml -acceptLicense Do not use --launcher.ini .ini file as this command option has been deprecated.
Update with response files
Using response files to update software on Linux and UNIX computers.
- For computers that do not have access to ibm.com or have the offering.service.repositories.areUsed preference set to false, you must download updates from ibm.com. Extract the update to a location that Computer A can access. If you have the Search service repositories during installation and updates and Search for Installation Manager updates preferences enabled, updates are shown in Installation Manager when you record the response file.
- Record updates to Product A in a new response file...
cd eclipse
./IBMIM -record /path/to/update_productA.xml -skipInstall /tmp/productBInstallation Manager opens.
In this example, a new response file is specified to record the update. You can specify the same response file name, install_productA.xml, used to record the installation. If you specify the same response file, the response file is overwritten with the update information.
- Click Update and follow the instructions in the Update wizard. If you downloaded the update, go to File > Preferences > Repositories to set the location of the repository in the repository table.
- Click Finish.
- Close Installation Manager to finish the recording of the response file.
- Copy the update_productA.xml response file to the /response_files directory on Computer B.
- Update Product A on Computer B
cd eclipse\tools and run...
Installation Manager Command Installed ./imcl input /path/to/update_productA.xml -acceptLicense Not installed ./installc input /path/to/update_productA.xml -acceptLicense Starting with version 1.4.3:
Use -acceptLicense in the command.
Do not use --launcher.ini .ini file as this command option has been deprecated.
Modify with response files
Using response files to modify software on Linux and UNIX computers.
- Record modifications to Product A in a new response file...
cd eclipse
./IBMIM -record /path/to/modify_productA.xml -skipInstall /tmp/productBInstallation Manager opens.
In this example, a new response file is specified to record the modification. You can specify an existing response file name. If you do specify an existing response file, the response file is overwritten with the modification information.
- Click Modify and follow the instructions in the Modify wizard.
- Click Finish.
- Close Installation Manager to finish the recording of the response file.
- Copy modify_productA.xml to the /response_files directory on Computer B.
- Modify Product A on Computer B
cd eclipse\tools and run...
Installation Manager Command Installed ./imcl input /path/to/modify_productA.xml Not installed ./installc input /path/to/modify_productA.xml Starting with version 1.4.3, do not use --launcher.ini .ini file as this command option has been deprecated.
Rolling back with response files
Using response files to roll back software on Linux and UNIX computers. You must have an update to roll back a change.
- Record a rollback to an earlier version of Product A in a new response file...
cd eclipse
./IBMIM -record /path/to/rollback_productA.xml -skipInstall /tmp/productBInstallation Manager opens.
In this example, a new response file is specified to record the rollback. You can specify an existing response file name. If you specify an existing response file, the response file is overwritten with the rollback information.
- Click Roll Back and follow the instructions in the Roll Back wizard.
- Click Finish.
- Close Installation Manager to finish the recording of the response file.
- Copy rollback_productA.xml to the /response_files directory on Computer B.
- Roll back Product A on Computer B...
cd eclipse\tools and run...
Installation Manager Command Installed ./imcl input /path/to/rollback_productA.xml Not installed ./installc input /path/to/rollback_productA.xml Starting with version 1.4.3, do not use --launcher.ini .ini file as this command option has been deprecated.
Uninstall with response files
Using response files to uninstall software on Linux and UNIX computers.
- Record an uninstall of Product A in a new response file, run...
cd eclipse
./IBMIM -record /path/to/uninstall_productA.xml -skipInstall /tmp/productBInstallation Manager opens.
In this example, a new response file is specified to record the uninstall. You can specify an existing response file name. If you specify an existing response file, the response file is overwritten with the uninstall information.
- Click Uninstall and follow the instructions in the Uninstall wizard.
- Click Finish.
- Close Installation Manager to finish the recording of the response file.
- Copy uninstall_productA.xml to the /response_files directory on Computer B.
- To roll back Product A on Computer B
cd eclipse\tools and run...
Installation Manager Command Installed ./imcl input /path/to/uninstall_productA.xml Not installed ./installc input /path/to/uninstall_productA.xml Starting with version 1.4.3, do not use --launcher.ini .ini file as this command option has been deprecated.
See also
- Before recording a response file
- Record a response file with Installation Manager
- Create a response file manually