Store credentials


In a keyring file, you can store credentials for URLs that require authentication, such as repositories, proxy servers, and response files. The IBM Installation Manager command line (imcl) cannot create a keyring file. To create a keyring file, use the Installation Manager command-line tool imutilsc from the Installation Manager tools directory to authenticate with repositories.

Installation Manager uses the Eclipse infrastructure to save credentials to a keyring file. When you use the -keyring file -password password argument, Eclipse creates a keyring file if a keyring file does not exist. If you are using an existing keyring file, the new credentials are added and the previous credentials are not overwritten.

If you share the same instance of Installation Manager with other users, see Save credentials when sharing the same instance of Installation Manager .

For additional information about keyring files, see the Eclipse workbench user guide .

Store credentials in a keyring file using imutilsc

  1. From the command line, open the tools directory. See Locating the tools directory for more information about the tools directory.

  2. Run the following command:
    imutilsc saveCredential   
     -url address 
     -userNameuser name -userPassword password 
     -keyring keyring_file [ -password password ]  
     [ -proxyHost proxy host -proxyPort proxy port
      [ -proxyUsername proxy user name 
        -proxyUserPassword proxy user password ]
       [ -useSocks ] ]   
     [ -verbose ] 

    Include quotation marks around filepaths that have spaces. The keyring file is saved to the specified location.

  3. Repeat to store the credentials for multiple URLs in one keyring file.


Your credentials are saved in the keyring file in the location that you specified with -keyring keyring_file.

What to do next

After creating a keyring file, you can use the -keyring keyring_file -password password options with the installation or uninstallation imcl commands.


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