What's new in Installation Manager, version 1.4.4
See what is new in this release of IBM Installation Manager.
In this release:
- The -mode wizard argument is deprecated
- Users have the option to not install fixes during silent installation of an offering using the command line option, -installFixes
- You can start Installation Manager in another language by specifying a language other than the default English setting
- Use the command, listInstallationDirectories, to determine what shared directory is associated with a given instance of Installation Manager
What's new in version 1.4.3
In this release:
- Console mode is an interactive text-based user interface to Installation Manager.
- Use command line to run Installation Manager from a command-line utility instead of using a graphical user interface.
- For support with the IBM i platform using silent installations, console mode and command line.
- The acceptLicense='true' response file command is deprecated. Use -acceptLicense in the command line.
- The IBMIMc command and the --launcher.ini <.ini file> command argument have been deprecated. You do not need to specify the default .ini file in the command line.
What's new in version 1.4.2
In this release:
- Filter a list of fixes by version number or keyword in the Install wizard.
- Install with Installation Manager in group mode on Linux and UNIX operating systems.
- Support for the z/OS platform for silent installations only