Install Packaging Utility in wizard mode

Use Installation Manager to install Packaging Utility.

If Installation Manager is installed, we can use the Packaging Utility service repository to install the latest version of Packaging Utility without downloading files. If Installation Manager is not installed or to install an earlier version of Packaging Utility, we must download the installation kit.

If we use the service repository, we must have an IBM user name and password. To register for an IBM user name and password, go to:

Consider these points before we install Installation Manager:

Consider these points about using Packaging Utility as a stand-alone application:

This table provides directory information for the log files and the Eclipse plug-in for the administrator, nonadministrator, and group modes.

  Administrator Nonadministrator Group
Windows C:\Program Files [(x86)]\IBM\PackagingUtility C:\Users\user\IBM\PackagingUtility Not available
UNIX /opt/IBM/PackagingUtility /opt/IBM/PackagingUtility /opt/IBM/PackagingUtility_Group
OS X /Applications/IBM/Packaging Utility /Users/user_home/IBM/Packaging Utility /Users/user_home/IBM/PackagingUtility_Group


To install Packaging Utility using the service repository, we must have Installation Manager installed and have access to

If we downloaded the installation kit, see Install Packaging Utility using the download kits.

  1. Start Installation Manager.

  2. Add the service repository location for Packaging Utility:

    1. In Installation Manager, click File > Preferences > Repositories.

    2. Click Add Repository.

    3. Enter this repository:

    4. Enter your IBM user name and password.

  3. On the main page of Installation Manager, click Install.
  4. Complete the wizard to install Packaging Utility. When we install Packaging Utility, we can accept or modify the default values for the different directories.

    You specify the Shared Resources directory only the first time that we install a package. For best results, select the drive that has the most available space to ensure adequate space for the shared resources of future packages. We cannot change the location of the Shared Resources directory unless we uninstall all packages.

Install Packaging Utility using the download kits


  1. Download the Packaging Utility installation kit for your platform.

    Go to the Packing Utility download links technical document and click the applicable download document link. The download document contains details about downloading the installation files.

  2. Extract the Packaging Utility installation kit from the compressed file,

    The fix pack package for Packaging Utility is We cannot install Packaging Utility or Installation Manager with the fix pack.

  3. Open the directory:

    • Windows: installation_files_directory\disk_platform\InstallerImage_platform
    • Linux, UNIX, z/OS, and OS X: installation_files_directory/disk_platform/InstallerImage_platform

  4. Run the install commands that is appropriate for your operating system:

    • Windows: install.exe
    • Linux, UNIX, z/OS, and OS X: ./install
  5. Complete the Install wizard to install the Packaging Utility. If Installation Manager is not already installed, both Installation Manager and Packaging Utility are installed together. We can accept or modify the default values for the different directories.

    We can specify the Shared Resources directory only the first time that we install a package. For best results, select the drive that has the most available space to ensure adequate space for the shared resources of future packages. We cannot change the location of the Shared Resources directory unless we uninstall all packages.
